Tax Documents




FDX / Data Structures / Tax1099K
Form 1099-K, Merchant Card and Third-Party Network Payments
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
Tax1099K Properties
1filerNameAddressNameAddressPhoneFiler's name, address, and phone
2paymentSettlementEntitybooleanCheck to indicate if FILER is a Payment Settlement Entity (PSE)
3electronicPaymentFacilitatorbooleanCheck to indicate if FILER is an Electronic Payment Facilitator (EPF) / Other third party
4paymentCardbooleanCheck to indicate transactions reported are: Payment card
5thirdPartyNetworkbooleanCheck to indicate transactions reported are: Third party network
6payeeNameAddressNameAddressPayee's name and address
7pseNamestringPSE's name
8accountNumberstringAccount number
9filerTinstringFILER'S TIN
10payeeTinstringPAYEE'S TIN
11grossAmountnumber (double)Box 1a, Gross amount of payment card/third party network transactions
12cardNotPresentnumber (double)Box 1b, Card Not Present Transactions
13merchantCategoryCodestringBox 2, Merchant category code
14numberOfTransactionsnumber (double)Box 3, Number of purchase transactions
15federalTaxWithheldnumber (double)Box 4, Federal income tax withheld
16monthAmountsArray of MonthAmountBox 5, Monthly amounts
17stateTaxWithholdingArray of StateTaxWithholdingBoxes 6-8, State tax withholding
18psePhoneTelephoneNumberPlusExtensionPSE's phone number
19secondTinNoticebooleanSecond TIN Notice
Tax1099K Usage:
FDX Data Structure as JSON
  "tax1099K" : {
    "taxYear" : 0,
    "corrected" : true,
    "accountId" : "",
    "taxFormId" : "",
    "taxFormDate" : "2020-07-01",
    "description" : "string",
    "additionalInformation" : "string",
    "taxFormType" : "BusinessIncomeStatement",
    "attributes" : [ {
      "name" : "string",
      "value" : "string",
      "boxNumber" : "string",
      "code" : "string"
    } ],
    "error" : {
      "code" : "string",
      "message" : "string"
    "filerNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "String64",
      "line2" : "String64",
      "line3" : "String64",
      "city" : "String64",
      "state" : "String64",
      "postalCode" : "string",
      "country" : "AD",
      "name1" : "String64",
      "name2" : "String64",
      "phone" : {
        "type" : "HOME",
        "country" : "string",
        "number" : "string",
        "extension" : "string"
    "paymentSettlementEntity" : true,
    "electronicPaymentFacilitator" : true,
    "paymentCard" : true,
    "thirdPartyNetwork" : true,
    "payeeNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "String64",
      "line2" : "String64",
      "line3" : "String64",
      "city" : "String64",
      "state" : "String64",
      "postalCode" : "string",
      "country" : "AD",
      "name1" : "String64",
      "name2" : "String64"
    "pseName" : "string",
    "accountNumber" : "string",
    "filerTin" : "string",
    "payeeFederalId" : "string",
    "grossAmount" : 0.0,
    "cardNotPresent" : 0.0,
    "merchantCategoryCode" : "string",
    "numberOfTransactions" : 0.0,
    "federalTaxWithheld" : 0.0,
    "monthAmounts" : [ {
      "month" : "JAN",
      "amount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "stateTaxWithholding" : [ {
      "stateTaxWithheld" : 0.0,
      "state" : "string",
      "stateTaxId" : "string",
      "stateIncome" : 0.0
    } ],
    "psePhone" : {
      "type" : "HOME",
      "country" : "string",
      "number" : "string",
      "extension" : "string"
    "secondTinNotice" : true
Example Form PDF


Example Form JSON


  "tax1099K" : {
    "taxYear" : 2022,
    "taxFormDate" : "2021-03-30",
    "taxFormType" : "Tax1099K",
    "filerNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "12021 Sunset Valley Dr",
      "line2" : "Suite 230",
      "city" : "Preston",
      "state" : "VA",
      "postalCode" : "20191",
      "country" : "US",
      "name1" : "Tax Form Issuer, Inc",
      "phone" : {
        "number" : "8885551212"
    "paymentSettlementEntity" : true,
    "electronicPaymentFacilitator" : true,
    "paymentCard" : true,
    "thirdPartyNetwork" : true,
    "payeeNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "1 Main St",
      "city" : "Melrose",
      "state" : "NY",
      "postalCode" : "12121",
      "country" : "US",
      "name1" : "Kris Q Public"
    "pseName" : "PSE Associates",
    "accountNumber" : "111-5555555",
    "filerTin" : "12-3456789",
    "payeeTin" : "xxx-xx-0123",
    "grossAmount" : 6000.0,
    "cardNotPresent" : 2000.0,
    "merchantCategoryCode" : "1731",
    "numberOfTransactions" : 356.0,
    "federalTaxWithheld" : 400.0,
    "monthAmounts" : [ {
      "month" : "JAN",
      "amount" : 100.0
    }, {
      "month" : "FEB",
      "amount" : 200.0
    }, {
      "month" : "MAR",
      "amount" : 300.0
    }, {
      "month" : "APR",
      "amount" : 400.0
    }, {
      "month" : "MAY",
      "amount" : 500.0
    }, {
      "month" : "JUN",
      "amount" : 600.0
    }, {
      "month" : "JUL",
      "amount" : 700.0
    }, {
      "month" : "AUG",
      "amount" : 800.0
    }, {
      "month" : "SEP",
      "amount" : 900.0
    }, {
      "month" : "OCT",
      "amount" : 1000.0
    }, {
      "month" : "NOV",
      "amount" : 1100.0
    }, {
      "month" : "DEC",
      "amount" : 1200.0
    } ],
    "stateTaxWithholding" : [ {
      "stateTaxWithheld" : 10.0,
      "state" : "NY",
      "stateTaxId" : "123-1234",
      "stateIncome" : 100.0
    } ],
    "psePhone" : {
      "number" : "7771234567",
      "extension" : "111"
Example Form JSON for QR Code Purposes


Example Form PDF with QR Code


Example Data As Flattened Map (Key, Value Pairs)


  "taxYear": "2022",
  "taxFormDate": "2021-03-30",
  "taxFormType": "Tax1099K",
  "filerNameAddress.line1": "12021 Sunset Valley Dr",
  "filerNameAddress.line2": "Suite 230",
  "": "Preston",
  "filerNameAddress.state": "VA",
  "filerNameAddress.postalCode": "20191",
  "": "US",
  "filerNameAddress.name1": "Tax Form Issuer, Inc",
  "": "8885551212",
  "paymentSettlementEntity": "true",
  "electronicPaymentFacilitator": "true",
  "paymentCard": "true",
  "thirdPartyNetwork": "true",
  "payeeNameAddress.line1": "1 Main St",
  "": "Melrose",
  "payeeNameAddress.state": "NY",
  "payeeNameAddress.postalCode": "12121",
  "": "US",
  "payeeNameAddress.name1": "Kris Q Public",
  "pseName": "PSE Associates",
  "accountNumber": "111-5555555",
  "filerTin": "12-3456789",
  "payeeTin": "xxx-xx-0123",
  "grossAmount": "6000.0",
  "cardNotPresent": "2000.0",
  "merchantCategoryCode": "1731",
  "numberOfTransactions": "356.0",
  "federalTaxWithheld": "400.0",
  "monthAmounts-1.month": "JAN",
  "monthAmounts-1.amount": "100.0",
  "monthAmounts-2.month": "FEB",
  "monthAmounts-2.amount": "200.0",
  "monthAmounts-3.month": "MAR",
  "monthAmounts-3.amount": "300.0",
  "monthAmounts-4.month": "APR",
  "monthAmounts-4.amount": "400.0",
  "monthAmounts-5.month": "MAY",
  "monthAmounts-5.amount": "500.0",
  "monthAmounts-6.month": "JUN",
  "monthAmounts-6.amount": "600.0",
  "monthAmounts-7.month": "JUL",
  "monthAmounts-7.amount": "700.0",
  "monthAmounts-8.month": "AUG",
  "monthAmounts-8.amount": "800.0",
  "monthAmounts-9.month": "SEP",
  "monthAmounts-9.amount": "900.0",
  "monthAmounts-10.month": "OCT",
  "monthAmounts-10.amount": "1000.0",
  "monthAmounts-11.month": "NOV",
  "monthAmounts-11.amount": "1100.0",
  "monthAmounts-12.month": "DEC",
  "monthAmounts-12.amount": "1200.0",
  "stateTaxWithholding-1.stateTaxWithheld": "10.0",
  "stateTaxWithholding-1.state": "NY",
  "stateTaxWithholding-1.stateTaxId": "123-1234",
  "stateTaxWithholding-1.stateIncome": "100.0",
  "psePhone.number": "7771234567",
  "psePhone.extension": "111"
Issuer Instructions



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