Tax Data Exchange Resources and Services
October 17, 2023
As tax year 2022 filing season concludes,
we are pleased to announce the availability of the resources and services
you need to produce truly-electronic tax documents for the 2023 tax year this coming January.
Does your company produce and issue
Forms W-2, 1099, 1098, 1042, 2439, 3921, 5498, or Schedules K-1?
If so, for a relatively small incremental investment of time and money,
- You can produce tax documents that are "intelligent" to begin with and do not require artificial intelligence to decipher
- You can simplify and streamline recipients tax prep experience
- You can send the message that you value recipients time
- You can convert "tax time" into "tech time" for recipients of your tax documents
Instead of enduring the tedium of manually entering the data from your tax documents into tax software, recipients
- Use a smartphone app to simply snap a QR code shown in the lower half of the form or
- Download the form as PDF and drag and drop the PDF into tax software
Add QR Codes to Your Tax Documents

More information on this technology.
Embed Industry-Standard JSON in Your Tax Documents

More information on this technology.
Get the Resources You Need
You are already doing most of the work.
- You are collecting the data you need
- You are creating the tax form as PDF
- You are placing the data on the form
You just need to do these additional steps
- Take the data you already have and place it in an industry-standard data structure
- Serialize the data to JSON
- Convert the JSON to a QR code
- Place the QR code on the PDF
- Embed the JSON in the PDF custom properties
The information and resources you need to do this are included in our new "Tax Data Exchange Services" app.
Get more information, check out the app at