Tax Documents
FDX / Data Structures / Tax1042S
Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax
Tax1042S Properties
# | Id | Type | Description |
1 | formId | string | Unique form identifier |
2 | amended | boolean | Amended |
3 | amendmentNumber | integer | Amendment number |
4 | incomeTypeCode | string | Box 1, Income code |
5 | grossIncome | number (double) | Box 2, Gross income |
6 | chapterIndicator | string | Box 3, Chapter indicator |
7 | ch3ExemptionCode | string | Box 3a, Exemption code |
8 | ch3TaxRate | number (double) | Box 3b, Tax rate |
9 | ch4ExemptionCode | string | Box 4a, Exemption code |
10 | ch4TaxRate | number (double) | Box 4b, Tax rate |
11 | withholdingAllowance | number (double) | Box 5, Withholding allowance |
12 | netIncome | number (double) | Box 6, Net income |
13 | federalTaxWithheld | number (double) | Box 7a, Federal tax withheld |
14 | escrowProceduresApplied | boolean | Box 7b, Check if federal tax withheld was not deposited with the IRS because escrow procedures were applied |
15 | subsequentYear | boolean | Box 7c, Check if withholding occurred in subsequent year with respect to a partnership interest |
16 | otherAgentsTaxWithheld | number (double) | Box 8, Tax withheld by other agents |
17 | recipientRepaidAmount | number (double) | Box 9, Overwithheld tax repaid to recipient pursuant to adjustment procedures |
18 | totalTaxWithholdingCredit | number (double) | Box 10, Total withholding credit |
19 | withholdingAgentTaxPaid | number (double) | Box 11, Tax paid by withholding agent (amounts not withheld) |
20 | withholdingAgent | Form1042Agent | Box 12, Withholding agent |
21 | recipient | Form1042Recipient | Box 13, Recipient |
22 | accountNumber | string | Box 13k, Recipient account number |
23 | primary | Form1042Agent | Box 14, Primary Withholding Agent |
24 | prorataBasisReporting | boolean | Box 15, Check if pro-rata basis reporting |
25 | intermediary | Form1042Agent | Box 15, Intermediary or flow thru entity |
26 | payer | Form1042Agent | Box 16, Payer |
27 | stateTaxWithholding | StateTaxWithholding | Box 17, State tax withholding |
Tax1042S Usage:
- TaxData tax1042S

FDX Data Structure as JSON
{ "tax1042S" : { "taxYear" : 0, "corrected" : true, "accountId" : "", "taxFormId" : "", "taxFormDate" : "2020-07-01", "description" : "string", "additionalInformation" : "string", "taxFormType" : "BusinessIncomeStatement", "attributes" : [ { "name" : "string", "value" : "string", "boxNumber" : "string", "code" : "string" } ], "error" : { "code" : "string", "message" : "string" }, "formId" : "string", "amended" : true, "amendmentNumber" : 0, "incomeTypeCode" : "string", "grossIncome" : 0.0, "chapterIndicator" : "string", "ch3ExemptionCode" : "string", "ch3TaxRate" : 0.0, "ch4ExemptionCode" : "string", "ch4TaxRate" : 0.0, "withholdingAllowance" : 0.0, "netIncome" : 0.0, "federalTaxWithheld" : 0.0, "escrowProceduresApplied" : true, "subsequentYear" : true, "otherAgentsTaxWithheld" : 0.0, "recipientRepaidAmount" : 0.0, "totalTaxWithholdingCredit" : 0.0, "withholdingAgentTaxPaid" : 0.0, "withholdingAgent" : { "line1" : "String64", "line2" : "String64", "line3" : "String64", "city" : "String64", "state" : "String64", "postalCode" : "string", "country" : "AD", "name1" : "String64", "name2" : "String64", "agentTin" : "string", "ch3StatusCode" : "string", "ch4StatusCode" : "string", "giin" : "string", "countryCode" : "string", "foreignTin" : "string" }, "recipient" : { "line1" : "String64", "line2" : "String64", "line3" : "String64", "city" : "String64", "state" : "String64", "postalCode" : "string", "country" : "AD", "name1" : "String64", "name2" : "String64", "agentTin" : "string", "ch3StatusCode" : "string", "ch4StatusCode" : "string", "giin" : "string", "countryCode" : "string", "foreignTin" : "string", "lobCode" : "string", "dateOfBirth" : "2020-07-01" }, "primary" : { "line1" : "String64", "line2" : "String64", "line3" : "String64", "city" : "String64", "state" : "String64", "postalCode" : "string", "country" : "AD", "name1" : "String64", "name2" : "String64", "agentTin" : "string", "ch3StatusCode" : "string", "ch4StatusCode" : "string", "giin" : "string", "countryCode" : "string", "foreignTin" : "string" }, "intermediary" : { "line1" : "String64", "line2" : "String64", "line3" : "String64", "city" : "String64", "state" : "String64", "postalCode" : "string", "country" : "AD", "name1" : "String64", "name2" : "String64", "agentTin" : "string", "ch3StatusCode" : "string", "ch4StatusCode" : "string", "giin" : "string", "countryCode" : "string", "foreignTin" : "string" }, "payer" : { "line1" : "String64", "line2" : "String64", "line3" : "String64", "city" : "String64", "state" : "String64", "postalCode" : "string", "country" : "AD", "name1" : "String64", "name2" : "String64", "agentTin" : "string", "ch3StatusCode" : "string", "ch4StatusCode" : "string", "giin" : "string", "countryCode" : "string", "foreignTin" : "string" }, "stateTaxWithholding" : { "stateTaxWithheld" : 0.0, "state" : "string", "stateTaxId" : "string", "stateIncome" : 0.0 } } }
Example Form PDF

Example Form JSON
{ "tax1042S" : { "taxYear" : 2022, "accountId" : "xxxxxxxx4455", "taxFormId" : "e5d4ee73bd1-9295-480f-a426-a260f771", "taxFormDate" : "2021-03-30", "taxFormType" : "Tax1042S", "formId" : "0123456789", "incomeTypeCode" : "16", "grossIncome" : 205.0, "chapterIndicator" : "4", "ch3ExemptionCode" : "11", "ch3TaxRate" : 3.08, "ch4ExemptionCode" : "00", "ch4TaxRate" : 4.1, "withholdingAllowance" : 5011.0, "netIncome" : 6012.0, "federalTaxWithheld" : 7013.0, "subsequentYear" : true, "otherAgentsTaxWithheld" : 8016.0, "recipientRepaidAmount" : 9017.0, "totalTaxWithholdingCredit" : 24046.0, "withholdingAgentTaxPaid" : 11019.0, "withholdingAgent" : { "line1" : "12021 Sunset Valley Dr", "line2" : "Suite 230", "city" : "Preston", "state" : "VA", "postalCode" : "20191", "country" : "US", "name1" : "Tax Form Issuer, Inc", "agentTin" : "12-3456789", "ch3StatusCode" : "15", "ch4StatusCode" : "02", "giin" : "01234576890", "countryCode" : "CA", "foreignTin" : "991234567" }, "recipient" : { "line1" : "1 Main St", "city" : "Melrose", "state" : "NY", "postalCode" : "12121", "country" : "US", "name1" : "Kris Q. Public", "agentTin" : "xxx-xx-1234", "ch3StatusCode" : "16", "ch4StatusCode" : "02", "countryCode" : "CA", "foreignTin" : "987654300", "lobCode" : "11", "dateOfBirth" : "1942-12-21" }, "accountNumber" : "xxxxxxx4455", "primary" : { "name1" : "Primary W. Agent", "agentTin" : "00-1122334" }, "prorataBasisReporting" : false, "intermediary" : { "line1" : "1718-1/2 Oak Blvd", "city" : "Austin", "state" : "TX", "postalCode" : "78735", "country" : "US", "name1" : "Contact Name", "agentTin" : "88-8888888", "ch3StatusCode" : "02", "ch4StatusCode" : "16", "giin" : "12345768999", "countryCode" : "CA", "foreignTin" : "987654321" }, "payer" : { "line1" : "12021 Sunset Valley Dr", "line2" : "Suite 230", "city" : "Preston", "state" : "VA", "postalCode" : "20191", "country" : "US", "name1" : "Tax Form Issuer, Inc", "agentTin" : "99-0011223", "ch3StatusCode" : "15", "ch4StatusCode" : "02", "giin" : "00123457689" }, "stateTaxWithholding" : { "stateTaxWithheld" : 17025.0, "state" : "NY", "stateTaxId" : "001234567" } } }
Example Form JSON for QR Code Purposes
Example Data As Flattened Map (Key, Value Pairs)
{ "taxYear": "2022", "accountId": "xxxxxxxx4455", "taxFormId": "e5d4ee73bd1-9295-480f-a426-a260f771", "taxFormDate": "2021-03-30", "taxFormType": "Tax1042S", "formId": "0123456789", "incomeTypeCode": "16", "grossIncome": "205.0", "chapterIndicator": "4", "ch3ExemptionCode": "11", "ch3TaxRate": "3.08", "ch4ExemptionCode": "00", "ch4TaxRate": "4.1", "withholdingAllowance": "5011.0", "netIncome": "6012.0", "federalTaxWithheld": "7013.0", "subsequentYear": "true", "otherAgentsTaxWithheld": "8016.0", "recipientRepaidAmount": "9017.0", "totalTaxWithholdingCredit": "24046.0", "withholdingAgentTaxPaid": "11019.0", "withholdingAgent.line1": "12021 Sunset Valley Dr", "withholdingAgent.line2": "Suite 230", "": "Preston", "withholdingAgent.state": "VA", "withholdingAgent.postalCode": "20191", "": "US", "withholdingAgent.name1": "Tax Form Issuer, Inc", "withholdingAgent.agentTin": "12-3456789", "withholdingAgent.ch3StatusCode": "15", "withholdingAgent.ch4StatusCode": "02", "withholdingAgent.giin": "01234576890", "withholdingAgent.countryCode": "CA", "withholdingAgent.foreignTin": "991234567", "recipient.line1": "1 Main St", "": "Melrose", "recipient.state": "NY", "recipient.postalCode": "12121", "": "US", "recipient.name1": "Kris Q. Public", "recipient.agentTin": "xxx-xx-1234", "recipient.ch3StatusCode": "16", "recipient.ch4StatusCode": "02", "recipient.countryCode": "CA", "recipient.foreignTin": "987654300", "recipient.lobCode": "11", "recipient.dateOfBirth": "1942-12-21", "accountNumber": "xxxxxxx4455", "primary.name1": "Primary W. Agent", "primary.agentTin": "00-1122334", "prorataBasisReporting": "false", "intermediary.line1": "1718-1/2 Oak Blvd", "": "Austin", "intermediary.state": "TX", "intermediary.postalCode": "78735", "": "US", "intermediary.name1": "Contact Name", "intermediary.agentTin": "88-8888888", "intermediary.ch3StatusCode": "02", "intermediary.ch4StatusCode": "16", "intermediary.giin": "12345768999", "intermediary.countryCode": "CA", "intermediary.foreignTin": "987654321", "payer.line1": "12021 Sunset Valley Dr", "payer.line2": "Suite 230", "": "Preston", "payer.state": "VA", "payer.postalCode": "20191", "": "US", "payer.name1": "Tax Form Issuer, Inc", "payer.agentTin": "99-0011223", "payer.ch3StatusCode": "15", "payer.ch4StatusCode": "02", "payer.giin": "00123457689", "stateTaxWithholding.stateTaxWithheld": "17025.0", "stateTaxWithholding.state": "NY", "stateTaxWithholding.stateTaxId": "001234567" }