Tax Documents
FDX / Data Structures / Tax1095C
Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax
Tax1095C Properties
# | Id | Type | Description |
1 | employeeName | IndividualName | Box 1, Employee name |
2 | tin | string | Box 2, Social security number (SSN) |
3 | employeeAddress | Address | Boxes 3-6, Employee address |
4 | employerNameAddress | NameAddressPhone | Boxes 7, 9-13, Employer name, address and phone |
5 | employerTin | string | Box 8, Employer identification number (EIN) |
6 | selfInsuredCoverage | boolean | Self Insured Coverage |
7 | offersOfCoverage | Array of OfferOfHealthInsuranceCoverage | Boxes 14-16, Employee Offer of Coverage |
8 | employeeAge | integer | Employee's Age on January 1 |
9 | planStartMonth | integer | Plan Start Month |
10 | coveredIndividuals | Array of HealthInsuranceCoveredIndividual | Boxes 17+, Covered Individuals |
Tax1095C Usage:
- TaxData tax1095C

FDX Data Structure as JSON
{ "tax1095C" : { "taxYear" : 0, "corrected" : true, "accountId" : "", "taxFormId" : "", "taxFormDate" : "2020-07-01", "description" : "string", "additionalInformation" : "string", "taxFormType" : "BusinessIncomeStatement", "attributes" : [ { "name" : "string", "value" : "string", "boxNumber" : "string", "code" : "string" } ], "error" : { "code" : "string", "message" : "string" }, "employeeName" : { "first" : "string", "middle" : "string", "last" : "string", "suffix" : "string" }, "tin" : "string", "employeeAddress" : { "line1" : "String64", "line2" : "String64", "line3" : "String64", "city" : "String64", "state" : "String64", "postalCode" : "string", "country" : "AD" }, "employerNameAddressPhone" : { "line1" : "String64", "line2" : "String64", "line3" : "String64", "city" : "String64", "state" : "String64", "postalCode" : "string", "country" : "AD", "name1" : "String64", "name2" : "String64", "phone" : { "type" : "HOME", "country" : "string", "number" : "string", "extension" : "string" } }, "employerNameAddress" : { "line1" : "String64", "line2" : "String64", "line3" : "String64", "city" : "String64", "state" : "String64", "postalCode" : "string", "country" : "AD", "name1" : "String64", "name2" : "String64", "phone" : { "type" : "HOME", "country" : "string", "number" : "string", "extension" : "string" } }, "employerId" : "string", "employerTin" : "string", "selfInsuredCoverage" : true, "offersOfCoverage" : [ { "coverageCode" : "string", "requiredContribution" : 0.0, "section4980HCode" : "string", "postalCode" : "string", "month" : "ANNUAL" } ], "employeeAge" : 0, "planStartMonth" : 0, "coveredIndividuals" : [ { "name" : { "first" : "string", "middle" : "string", "last" : "string", "suffix" : "string" }, "tin" : "string", "dateOfBirth" : "2020-07-01", "coveredAt12Months" : true, "coveredMonths" : [ "JAN" ] } ] } }
Example Form PDF

Example Form JSON
{ "tax1095C" : { "taxYear" : 2022, "taxFormId" : "e5d4ee73bd1-9295-480f-a426-1095-C", "taxFormDate" : "2021-03-30", "taxFormType" : "Tax1095C", "employeeName" : { "first" : "Kris", "middle" : "Q", "last" : "Public" }, "tin" : "xxx-xx-1234", "employeeAddress" : { "line1" : "1 Main St", "city" : "Melrose", "state" : "NY", "postalCode" : "12121", "country" : "US" }, "employerNameAddress" : { "line1" : "12021 Sunset Valley Dr", "line2" : "Suite 230", "city" : "Preston", "state" : "VA", "postalCode" : "20191", "country" : "US", "name1" : "Tax Form Issuer, Inc", "phone" : { "number" : "8885551212" } }, "employerTin" : "12-3456789", "selfInsuredCoverage" : false, "offersOfCoverage" : [ { "coverageCode" : "1E", "requiredContribution" : 15.09, "section4980HCode" : "2C", "postalCode" : "12121", "month" : "NOVEMBER" }, { "coverageCode" : "1E", "requiredContribution" : 15.09, "section4980HCode" : "2C", "postalCode" : "12121", "month" : "DECEMBER" }, { "coverageCode" : "1E", "requiredContribution" : 30.18, "section4980HCode" : "2C", "postalCode" : "12121", "month" : "ANNUAL" } ], "employeeAge" : 25, "planStartMonth" : 11, "coveredIndividuals" : [ { "name" : { "first" : "Kris", "middle" : "Q", "last" : "Public" }, "tin" : "xxx-xx-1234", "dateOfBirth" : "1995-07-11", "coveredAll12Months" : true, "coveredMonths" : [ "NOV", "DEC" ] }, { "name" : { "first" : "Tracy", "middle" : "R", "last" : "Public" }, "tin" : "xxx-xx-4321", "dateOfBirth" : "1995-08-11", "coveredAll12Months" : true, "coveredMonths" : [ "NOV", "DEC" ] } ] } }
Example Form JSON for QR Code Purposes
Example Data As Flattened Map (Key, Value Pairs)
{ "taxYear": "2022", "taxFormId": "e5d4ee73bd1-9295-480f-a426-1095-C", "taxFormDate": "2021-03-30", "taxFormType": "Tax1095C", "employeeName.first": "Kris", "employeeName.middle": "Q", "employeeName.last": "Public", "tin": "xxx-xx-1234", "employeeAddress.line1": "1 Main St", "": "Melrose", "employeeAddress.state": "NY", "employeeAddress.postalCode": "12121", "": "US", "employerNameAddress.line1": "12021 Sunset Valley Dr", "employerNameAddress.line2": "Suite 230", "": "Preston", "employerNameAddress.state": "VA", "employerNameAddress.postalCode": "20191", "": "US", "employerNameAddress.name1": "Tax Form Issuer, Inc", "": "8885551212", "employerTin": "12-3456789", "selfInsuredCoverage": "false", "offersOfCoverage-1.coverageCode": "1E", "offersOfCoverage-1.requiredContribution": "15.09", "offersOfCoverage-1.section4980HCode": "2C", "offersOfCoverage-1.postalCode": "12121", "offersOfCoverage-1.month": "NOVEMBER", "offersOfCoverage-2.coverageCode": "1E", "offersOfCoverage-2.requiredContribution": "15.09", "offersOfCoverage-2.section4980HCode": "2C", "offersOfCoverage-2.postalCode": "12121", "offersOfCoverage-2.month": "DECEMBER", "offersOfCoverage-3.coverageCode": "1E", "offersOfCoverage-3.requiredContribution": "30.18", "offersOfCoverage-3.section4980HCode": "2C", "offersOfCoverage-3.postalCode": "12121", "offersOfCoverage-3.month": "ANNUAL", "employeeAge": "25", "planStartMonth": "11", "": "Kris", "": "Q", "": "Public", "coveredIndividuals-1.tin": "xxx-xx-1234", "coveredIndividuals-1.dateOfBirth": "1995-07-11", "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredAll12Months": "true", "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-1": "NOV", "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-2": "DEC", "": "Tracy", "": "R", "": "Public", "coveredIndividuals-2.tin": "xxx-xx-4321", "coveredIndividuals-2.dateOfBirth": "1995-08-11", "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredAll12Months": "true", "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-1": "NOV", "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-2": "DEC" }
Issuer Instructions