Tax Documents




FDX / Data Structures / Tax1095B
Form 1095-B, Health Coverage
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
Tax1095B Properties
1responsibleNameIndividualNameBox 1, Name of responsible individual
2responsibleTinstringBox 2, Social security number (SSN or other TIN)
3responsibleDateOfBirthDateStringBox 3, Date of birth (if SSN or other TIN is not available)
4responsibleAddressAddressBoxes 4-7, Address of responsible individual
5originOfHealthCoverageCodestringBox 8, Enter letter identifying Origin of the Health Coverage
6employerNameAddressNameAddressBoxes 10, 12-15, Employer name and address
7employerTinstringBox 11, Employer identification number (EIN)
8issuerNameAddressNameAddressPhoneBoxes 16, 18-22, Issuer name, address, and phone
9issuerTinstringBox 17, Employer identification number (EIN)
10coveredIndividualsArray of HealthInsuranceCoveredIndividualBoxes 23+, Covered Individuals
Tax1095B Usage:
FDX Data Structure as JSON
  "tax1095B" : {
    "taxYear" : 0,
    "corrected" : true,
    "accountId" : "",
    "taxFormId" : "",
    "taxFormDate" : "2020-07-01",
    "description" : "string",
    "additionalInformation" : "string",
    "taxFormType" : "BusinessIncomeStatement",
    "attributes" : [ {
      "name" : "string",
      "value" : "string",
      "boxNumber" : "string",
      "code" : "string"
    } ],
    "error" : {
      "code" : "string",
      "message" : "string"
    "responsibleName" : {
      "first" : "string",
      "middle" : "string",
      "last" : "string",
      "suffix" : "string"
    "responsibleTin" : "string",
    "responsibleDateOfBirth" : "2020-07-01",
    "responsibleAddress" : {
      "line1" : "String64",
      "line2" : "String64",
      "line3" : "String64",
      "city" : "String64",
      "state" : "String64",
      "postalCode" : "string",
      "country" : "AD"
    "originOfHealthCoverageCode" : "string",
    "employerNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "String64",
      "line2" : "String64",
      "line3" : "String64",
      "city" : "String64",
      "state" : "String64",
      "postalCode" : "string",
      "country" : "AD",
      "name1" : "String64",
      "name2" : "String64"
    "employerId" : "string",
    "employerTin" : "string",
    "issuerNameAddressPhone" : {
      "line1" : "String64",
      "line2" : "String64",
      "line3" : "String64",
      "city" : "String64",
      "state" : "String64",
      "postalCode" : "string",
      "country" : "AD",
      "name1" : "String64",
      "name2" : "String64",
      "phone" : {
        "type" : "HOME",
        "country" : "string",
        "number" : "string",
        "extension" : "string"
    "issuerNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "String64",
      "line2" : "String64",
      "line3" : "String64",
      "city" : "String64",
      "state" : "String64",
      "postalCode" : "string",
      "country" : "AD",
      "name1" : "String64",
      "name2" : "String64",
      "phone" : {
        "type" : "HOME",
        "country" : "string",
        "number" : "string",
        "extension" : "string"
    "issuerId" : "string",
    "issuerTin" : "string",
    "coveredIndividuals" : [ {
      "name" : {
        "first" : "string",
        "middle" : "string",
        "last" : "string",
        "suffix" : "string"
      "tin" : "string",
      "dateOfBirth" : "2020-07-01",
      "coveredAt12Months" : true,
      "coveredMonths" : [ "JAN" ]
    } ]
Example Form PDF


Example Form JSON


  "tax1095B" : {
    "taxYear" : 2022,
    "taxFormId" : "e5d4ee73bd1-9295-480f-a426-1095-B",
    "taxFormDate" : "2021-03-30",
    "taxFormType" : "Tax1095B",
    "responsibleName" : {
      "first" : "Kris",
      "middle" : "Q",
      "last" : "Public"
    "responsibleTin" : "xxx-xx-1234",
    "responsibleDateOfBirth" : "1995-03-03",
    "responsibleAddress" : {
      "line1" : "1 Main St",
      "city" : "Melrose",
      "state" : "NY",
      "postalCode" : "12121",
      "country" : "US"
    "originOfHealthCoverageCode" : "B",
    "employerNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "12021 Sunset Valley Dr",
      "line2" : "Suite 230",
      "city" : "Preston",
      "state" : "VA",
      "postalCode" : "20191",
      "country" : "US",
      "name1" : "Tax Form Issuer, Inc"
    "employerTin" : "12-3456789",
    "issuerNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "1718-1/2 Oak Blvd",
      "city" : "Austin",
      "state" : "TX",
      "postalCode" : "78735",
      "country" : "US",
      "name1" : "American People Health",
      "phone" : {
        "number" : "8885551212"
    "issuerTin" : "99-0011223",
    "coveredIndividuals" : [ {
      "name" : {
        "first" : "Kris",
        "middle" : "Q",
        "last" : "Public"
      "tin" : "xxx-xx-1234",
      "dateOfBirth" : "1995-03-13",
      "coveredAll12Months" : true,
      "coveredMonths" : [ "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" ]
    }, {
      "name" : {
        "first" : "Tracy",
        "middle" : "R",
        "last" : "Public"
      "tin" : "xxx-xx-4321",
      "dateOfBirth" : "1995-04-13",
      "coveredAll12Months" : true,
      "coveredMonths" : [ "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" ]
    } ]
Example Form JSON for QR Code Purposes


Example Data As Flattened Map (Key, Value Pairs)


  "taxYear": "2022",
  "taxFormId": "e5d4ee73bd1-9295-480f-a426-1095-B",
  "taxFormDate": "2021-03-30",
  "taxFormType": "Tax1095B",
  "responsibleName.first": "Kris",
  "responsibleName.middle": "Q",
  "responsibleName.last": "Public",
  "responsibleTin": "xxx-xx-1234",
  "responsibleDateOfBirth": "1995-03-03",
  "responsibleAddress.line1": "1 Main St",
  "": "Melrose",
  "responsibleAddress.state": "NY",
  "responsibleAddress.postalCode": "12121",
  "": "US",
  "originOfHealthCoverageCode": "B",
  "employerNameAddress.line1": "12021 Sunset Valley Dr",
  "employerNameAddress.line2": "Suite 230",
  "": "Preston",
  "employerNameAddress.state": "VA",
  "employerNameAddress.postalCode": "20191",
  "": "US",
  "employerNameAddress.name1": "Tax Form Issuer, Inc",
  "employerTin": "12-3456789",
  "issuerNameAddress.line1": "1718-1/2 Oak Blvd",
  "": "Austin",
  "issuerNameAddress.state": "TX",
  "issuerNameAddress.postalCode": "78735",
  "": "US",
  "issuerNameAddress.name1": "American People Health",
  "": "8885551212",
  "issuerTin": "99-0011223",
  "": "Kris",
  "": "Q",
  "": "Public",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.tin": "xxx-xx-1234",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.dateOfBirth": "1995-03-13",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredAll12Months": "true",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-1": "JAN",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-2": "FEB",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-3": "MAR",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-4": "APR",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-5": "MAY",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-6": "JUN",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-7": "JUL",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-8": "AUG",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-9": "SEP",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-10": "OCT",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-11": "NOV",
  "coveredIndividuals-1.coveredMonths-12": "DEC",
  "": "Tracy",
  "": "R",
  "": "Public",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.tin": "xxx-xx-4321",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.dateOfBirth": "1995-04-13",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredAll12Months": "true",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-1": "JAN",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-2": "FEB",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-3": "MAR",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-4": "APR",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-5": "MAY",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-6": "JUN",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-7": "JUL",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-8": "AUG",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-9": "SEP",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-10": "OCT",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-11": "NOV",
  "coveredIndividuals-2.coveredMonths-12": "DEC"
Issuer Instructions



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