Tax Documents




FDX / Data Structures / Tax1120SK1
Form 1120-S K-1, Shareholder's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
Tax1120SK1 Properties
1finalK1booleanFinal K-1
2amendedK1booleanAmended K-1
3fiscalYearBeginDateStringFiscal year begin date
4fiscalYearEndDateStringFiscal year end date
5corporationTinstringBox A, Corporation's employer identification number
6corporationNameAddressNameAddressBox B, Corporation's name, address, city, state, and ZIP code
7irsCenterstringBox C, IRS Center where corporation filed return
8corporationBeginningSharesnumber (double)Box D, Corporation's total number of shares, Beginning of tax year
9corporationEndingSharesnumber (double)Box D, Corporation's total number of shares, End of tax year
10shareholderTinstringBox E, Shareholder's identifying number
11shareholderNameAddressNameAddressBox F, Shareholder's name, address, city, state, and ZIP code
12percentOwnershipnumber (double)Box G, Current year allocation percentage
13beginningSharesnumber (double)Box H, Shareholder's number of shares, Beginning of tax year
14endingSharesnumber (double)Box H, Shareholder's number of shares, End of tax year
15beginningLoansnumber (double)Box I, Loans from shareholder, Beginning of tax year
16endingLoansnumber (double)Box I, Loans from shareholder, Ending of tax year
17ordinaryIncomenumber (double)Box 1, Ordinary business income (loss)
18netRentalRealEstateIncomenumber (double)Box 2, Net rental real estate income (loss)
19otherRentalIncomenumber (double)Box 3, Other net rental income (loss)
20interestIncomenumber (double)Box 4, Interest income
21ordinaryDividendsnumber (double)Box 5a, Ordinary dividends
22qualifiedDividendsnumber (double)Box 5b, Qualified dividends
23royaltiesnumber (double)Box 6, Royalties
24netShortTermGainnumber (double)Box 7, Net short-term capital gain (loss)
25netLongTermGainnumber (double)Box 8a, Net long-term capital gain (loss)
26collectiblesGainnumber (double)Box 8b, Collectibles (28%) gain (loss)
27unrecaptured1250Gainnumber (double)Box 8c, Unrecaptured section 1250 gain
28net1231Gainnumber (double)Box 9, Net section 1231 gain (loss)
29otherIncomeArray of CodeAmountBox 10, Other income (loss)
30section179Deductionnumber (double)Box 11, Section 179 deduction
31otherDeductionsArray of CodeAmountBox 12, Other deductions
32creditsArray of CodeAmountBox 13, Credits
33scheduleK3booleanBox 14, Schedule K-3 is attached
34foreignTransactionsArray of CodeAmountBox 14, Foreign transactions. IRS deprecated 2021 and is now reported on Schedule K-3
35foreignCountrystringBox 14, Foreign country. IRS deprecated 2021 and is now reported on Schedule K-3
36amtItemsArray of CodeAmountBox 15, Alternative minimum tax (AMT) items
37basisItemsArray of CodeAmountBox 16, Items affecting shareholder basis
38otherInfoArray of CodeAmountBox 17, Other information
39multipleAtRiskActivitiesbooleanBox 18, More than one activity for at-risk purposes
40multiplePassiveActivitiesbooleanBox 19, More than one activity for passive activity purposes
Tax1120SK1 Usage:
FDX Data Structure as JSON
  "tax1120SK1" : {
    "taxYear" : 0,
    "corrected" : true,
    "accountId" : "",
    "taxFormId" : "",
    "taxFormDate" : "2020-07-01",
    "description" : "string",
    "additionalInformation" : "string",
    "taxFormType" : "BusinessIncomeStatement",
    "attributes" : [ {
      "name" : "string",
      "value" : "string",
      "boxNumber" : "string",
      "code" : "string"
    } ],
    "error" : {
      "code" : "string",
      "message" : "string"
    "finalK1" : true,
    "amendedK1" : true,
    "fiscalYearBegin" : "2020-07-01",
    "fiscalYearEnd" : "2020-07-01",
    "corporationTin" : "string",
    "corporationNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "String64",
      "line2" : "String64",
      "line3" : "String64",
      "city" : "String64",
      "state" : "String64",
      "postalCode" : "string",
      "country" : "AD",
      "name1" : "String64",
      "name2" : "String64"
    "irsCenter" : "string",
    "shareholderTin" : "string",
    "shareholderNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "String64",
      "line2" : "String64",
      "line3" : "String64",
      "city" : "String64",
      "state" : "String64",
      "postalCode" : "string",
      "country" : "AD",
      "name1" : "String64",
      "name2" : "String64"
    "percentOwnership" : 0.0,
    "beginningShares" : 0.0,
    "endingShares" : 0.0,
    "beginningLoans" : 0.0,
    "endingLoans" : 0.0,
    "ordinaryIncome" : 0.0,
    "netRentalRealEstateIncome" : 0.0,
    "otherRentalIncome" : 0.0,
    "interestIncome" : 0.0,
    "ordinaryDividends" : 0.0,
    "qualifiedDividends" : 0.0,
    "royalties" : 0.0,
    "netShortTermGain" : 0.0,
    "netLongTermGain" : 0.0,
    "collectiblesGain" : 0.0,
    "unrecaptured1250Gain" : 0.0,
    "net1231Gain" : 0.0,
    "otherIncome" : [ {
      "code" : "string",
      "amount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "section179Deduction" : 0.0,
    "otherDeductions" : [ {
      "code" : "string",
      "amount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "credits" : [ {
      "code" : "string",
      "amount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "foreignTransactions" : [ {
      "code" : "string",
      "amount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "foreignCountry" : "string",
    "amtItems" : [ {
      "code" : "string",
      "amount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "basisItems" : [ {
      "code" : "string",
      "amount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "otherInfo" : [ {
      "code" : "string",
      "amount" : 0.0
    } ],
    "multipleAtRiskActivities" : true,
    "multiplePassiveActivities" : true
Example Form PDF


Example Form JSON


  "tax1120SK1" : {
    "taxYear" : 2022,
    "taxFormDate" : "2021-03-30",
    "taxFormType" : "Tax1120SK1",
    "finalK1" : true,
    "fiscalYearBegin" : "2020-01-01",
    "fiscalYearEnd" : "2020-12-31",
    "corporationTin" : "12-3456789",
    "corporationNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "1718-1/2 Oak Blvd",
      "line2" : "Suite 230",
      "city" : "Austin",
      "state" : "TX",
      "postalCode" : "78735",
      "name1" : "American People Corp."
    "irsCenter" : "Ogden",
    "shareholderTin" : "xxx-xx-1234",
    "shareholderNameAddress" : {
      "line1" : "1 Main St",
      "city" : "Melrose",
      "state" : "NY",
      "postalCode" : "12121",
      "name1" : "Kris Q. Public"
    "percentOwnership" : 10.0,
    "beginningShares" : 110.0,
    "endingShares" : 120.0,
    "beginningLoans" : 1300.0,
    "endingLoans" : 1400.0,
    "ordinaryIncome" : 1015.0,
    "netRentalRealEstateIncome" : 2016.0,
    "otherRentalIncome" : 3017.0,
    "interestIncome" : 4018.0,
    "ordinaryDividends" : 5119.0,
    "qualifiedDividends" : 5220.0,
    "royalties" : 6021.0,
    "netShortTermGain" : 7022.0,
    "netLongTermGain" : 8123.0,
    "collectiblesGain" : 8224.0,
    "unrecaptured1250Gain" : 8325.0,
    "net1231Gain" : 9026.0,
    "otherIncome" : [ {
      "code" : "A",
      "amount" : 10027.0
    } ],
    "section179Deduction" : 11028.0,
    "otherDeductions" : [ {
      "code" : "A",
      "amount" : 12029.0
    } ],
    "credits" : [ {
      "code" : "G",
      "amount" : 13030.0
    } ],
    "foreignTransactions" : [ {
      "code" : "C",
      "amount" : 14032.0
    } ],
    "foreignCountry" : "Mexico",
    "amtItems" : [ {
      "code" : "D",
      "amount" : 15033.0
    } ],
    "basisItems" : [ {
      "code" : "A",
      "amount" : 16034.0
    } ],
    "otherInfo" : [ {
      "code" : "A",
      "amount" : 17035.0
    } ],
    "multipleAtRiskActivities" : true,
    "multiplePassiveActivities" : false
Example Form JSON for QR Code Purposes


Example Data As Flattened Map (Key, Value Pairs)


  "taxYear": "2022",
  "taxFormDate": "2021-03-30",
  "taxFormType": "Tax1120SK1",
  "finalK1": "true",
  "fiscalYearBegin": "2020-01-01",
  "fiscalYearEnd": "2020-12-31",
  "corporationTin": "12-3456789",
  "corporationNameAddress.line1": "1718-1/2 Oak Blvd",
  "corporationNameAddress.line2": "Suite 230",
  "": "Austin",
  "corporationNameAddress.state": "TX",
  "corporationNameAddress.postalCode": "78735",
  "corporationNameAddress.name1": "American People Corp.",
  "irsCenter": "Ogden",
  "shareholderTin": "xxx-xx-1234",
  "shareholderNameAddress.line1": "1 Main St",
  "": "Melrose",
  "shareholderNameAddress.state": "NY",
  "shareholderNameAddress.postalCode": "12121",
  "shareholderNameAddress.name1": "Kris Q. Public",
  "percentOwnership": "10.0",
  "beginningShares": "110.0",
  "endingShares": "120.0",
  "beginningLoans": "1300.0",
  "endingLoans": "1400.0",
  "ordinaryIncome": "1015.0",
  "netRentalRealEstateIncome": "2016.0",
  "otherRentalIncome": "3017.0",
  "interestIncome": "4018.0",
  "ordinaryDividends": "5119.0",
  "qualifiedDividends": "5220.0",
  "royalties": "6021.0",
  "netShortTermGain": "7022.0",
  "netLongTermGain": "8123.0",
  "collectiblesGain": "8224.0",
  "unrecaptured1250Gain": "8325.0",
  "net1231Gain": "9026.0",
  "otherIncome-1.code": "A",
  "otherIncome-1.amount": "10027.0",
  "section179Deduction": "11028.0",
  "otherDeductions-1.code": "A",
  "otherDeductions-1.amount": "12029.0",
  "credits-1.code": "G",
  "credits-1.amount": "13030.0",
  "foreignTransactions-1.code": "C",
  "foreignTransactions-1.amount": "14032.0",
  "foreignCountry": "Mexico",
  "amtItems-1.code": "D",
  "amtItems-1.amount": "15033.0",
  "basisItems-1.code": "A",
  "basisItems-1.amount": "16034.0",
  "otherInfo-1.code": "A",
  "otherInfo-1.amount": "17035.0",
  "multipleAtRiskActivities": "true",
  "multiplePassiveActivities": "false"

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