W-2 : Wage and Tax Statement

FDX / Data Structures / TaxW2
Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax
TaxW2 Properties
# | Id | Type | Description |
1 | employeeTin | string | Employee's social security number |
2 | employerTin | string | Employer identification number (EIN) |
3 | employerNameAddress | NameAddress | Employer's name and address |
4 | controlNumber | string | Control number |
5 | employeeName | IndividualName | Employee name |
6 | employeeAddress | Address | Employee's address |
7 | wages | number (double) | Box 1, Wages, tips, other compensation |
8 | federalTaxWithheld | number (double) | Box 2, Federal income tax withheld |
9 | socialSecurityWages | number (double) | Box 3, Social security wages |
10 | socialSecurityTaxWithheld | number (double) | Box 4, Social security tax withheld |
11 | medicareWages | number (double) | Box 5, Medicare wages and tips |
12 | medicareTaxWithheld | number (double) | Box 6, Medicare tax withheld |
13 | socialSecurityTips | number (double) | Box 7, Social security tips |
14 | allocatedTips | number (double) | Box 8, Allocated tips |
15 | dependentCareBenefit | number (double) | Box 10, Dependent care benefits |
16 | nonQualifiedPlan | number (double) | Box 11, Nonqualified plans |
17 | codes | Array of CodeAmount | Box 12, Codes and amounts |
18 | statutory | boolean | Box 13, Statutory employee |
19 | retirementPlan | boolean | Box 13, Retirement plan |
20 | thirdPartySickPay | boolean | Box 13, Third-party sick pay |
21 | esppQualified | number (double) | Employee Stock Purchase Plan Qualified Disposition amount |
22 | esppNonQualified | number (double) | Employee Stock Purchase Plan Nonqualified Disposition amount |
23 | other | Array of DescriptionAmount | Box 14, Other descriptions and amounts |
24 | stateTaxWithholding | Array of StateTaxWithholding | Boxes 15-17, State tax withholding |
25 | localTaxWithholding | Array of LocalTaxWithholding | Boxes 18-20, Local tax withholding |
TaxW2 Usage:
OFX / Types / TaxW2_V200
# | Tag | Type |
1 | TAXYEAR | YearType |
2 | CNTRLNO | ControlNumber |
3 | VOID | BooleanType |
4 | EMPLOYER | Employer |
5 | EMPLOYEE | Employee |
6 | WAGES | AmountType |
7 | FEDTAXWH | AmountType |
8 | SSWAGES | AmountType |
9 | SSTAXWH | AmountType |
10 | MEDICAREWAGES | AmountType |
11 | MEDICARETAXWH | AmountType |
12 | SSTIPS | AmountType |
13 | ALLOCATEDTIPS | AmountType |
14 | ADVANCEDEIC | AmountType |
15 | DEPCAREBENEFIT | AmountType |
16 | NONQUALPLAN | AmountType |
17 | CODES | Codes |
18 | OTHER | Other |
19 | STATUTORY | BooleanType |
20 | RETIREMENTPLAN | BooleanType |
21 | THIRDPARTYSICKPAY | BooleanType |
22 | DEFERREDCOMP | BooleanType |
23 | STATEINFO | StateInfo |
24 | LOCALINFO | LocalInfo |
25 | W2VERIFICATIONCODE | anonymous simple type |
26 | ESPPQUALDIS | AmountType |
27 | ESPPNONQUALDIS | AmountType |
- TaxW2Response TAXW2_V200
This form is not reported in the IRS FIRE system.
Reference Number | Irs Form or Schedule | Description | Record Format | Sign |
459 | W-2 | Spouse | 0 | N/A |
267 | W-2 | Moving exp. reimb. | 1 | + |
458 | W-2 | W-2 | 1 | + |
460 | W-2 | Salary | 1 | + |
461 | W-2 | Federal withholding | 1 | - |
462 | W-2 | Soc Sec tax withholding | 1 | - |
463 | W-2 | Local withholding | 1 | - |
464 | W-2 | State withholding | 1 | - |
465 | W-2 | Dependent care benefits | 1 | + |
480 | W-2 | Medicare tax withholding | 1 | - |
506 | W-2 | Salary, spouse | 1 | + |
507 | W-2 | Federal withholding,spouse | 1 | - |
508 | W-2 | Soc Sec tax withhld, spouse | 1 | - |
509 | W-2 | Local withholding, spouse | 1 | - |
510 | W-2 | Medicare tax withhld, spouse | 1 | - |
511 | W-2 | State withholding, spouse | 1 | - |
512 | W-2 | Dependent care ben., spouse | 1 | + |
546 | W-2 | Moving exp. reimb., spouse | 1 | + |
466 | W-2 | Payer | 2 | N/A |
513 | W-2 | Payer, spouse | 2 | N/A |