1099-MISC : Miscellaneous Income


FDX / Data Structures / Tax1099Misc
Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
Tax1099Misc Properties
1payerNameAddressNameAddressPhonePAYER'S name, address, and phone
2payerTinstringPAYER'S TIN
3recipientTinstringRECIPIENT'S TIN
4recipientNameAddressNameAddressRECIPIENT'S name and address
5accountNumberstringAccount number
6foreignAccountTaxCompliancebooleanFATCA filing requirement
7rentsnumber (double)Box 1, Rents
8royaltiesnumber (double)Box 2, Royalties
9otherIncomenumber (double)Box 3, Other income
10federalTaxWithheldnumber (double)Box 4, Federal income tax withheld
11fishingBoatProceedsnumber (double)Box 5, Fishing boat proceeds
12medicalHealthPaymentnumber (double)Box 6, Medical and health care payments
13nonEmployeeCompensationnumber (double)2019 Box 7, Nonemployee compensation (IRS removed 2020)
14payerDirectSalesbooleanBox 7, Payer made direct sales of $5,000 or more of consumer products to a buyer (recipient) for resale
15substitutePaymentsnumber (double)Box 8, Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest
16cropInsurancenumber (double)Box 9, Crop insurance proceeds
17secondTinNoticebooleanSecond TIN Notice
18grossAttorneynumber (double)Box 10, Gross proceeds paid to an attorney
19fishPurchasednumber (double)Box 11, Fish purchased for resale
20section409ADeferralsnumber (double)Box 12, Section 409A deferrals
21section409AIncomenumber (double)2019 Box 15b, Section 409A income (IRS removed 2020)
22excessGoldennumber (double)Box 13, Excess golden parachute payments
23nonQualifiedDeferredCompensationnumber (double)Box 14, Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
24stateTaxWithholdingArray of StateTaxWithholdingBoxes 16-18, State tax withholding
Tax1099Misc Usage:


OFX / Types / Tax1099MISC_V100
1 SRVRTID ServerIdType
2 TAXYEAR YearType
3 VOID BooleanType
4 CORRECTED BooleanType
5 RENTS AmountType
6 ROYALTIES AmountType
8 FEDTAXWH AmountType
11 NONEMPCOMP AmountType
12 SUBPMTS AmountType
13 PAYER5KSALES BooleanType
14 CROPINSPRO AmountType
15 FORTAXPD AmountType
16 FORCNT GenericNameType
17 STTAXWH AmountType
18 PAYERSTATE StateCodeType
20 STINCOME AmountType
21 ADDLSTTAXWHAGG AdditionalStateTaxWithheldAggregate
22 GROSSATTOR AmountType
23 EXCSGLDN AmountType
24 SEC409ADEFERRALS AmountType
25 SEC409AINCOME AmountType
26 PAYERADDR PayerAddress
27 PAYERID GenericNameType
28 RECADDR RecipientAddress
29 RECID IdType
30 RECACCT GenericNameType
31 TINNOT BooleanType
32 FATCA BooleanType


Under Development


Reference Number Irs Form or Schedule Description Record Format Sign
554 1099-MISC Spouse 0 N/A
553 1099-MISC 1099-MISC 1 +
555 1099-MISC Rents 1 +
556 1099-MISC Royalties 1 +
557 1099-MISC Other income 1 +
558 1099-MISC Federal tax withheld 1 -
559 1099-MISC Fishing boat proceeds 1 +
560 1099-MISC Medical/health payments 1 +
561 1099-MISC Nonemployee compensation 1 +
562 1099-MISC Crop insurance proceeds 1 +
563 1099-MISC State tax withheld 1 -
674 1099-MISC Substitute payments 1 +
675 1099-MISC Gross proceeds to atty 1 +
676 1099-MISC Excess golden parachute 1 +
564 1099-MISC Payer 2 N/A
654 1099-MISC State ID 2 N/A


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