1099-B : Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions


FDX / Data Structures / Tax1099B
Form 1099-B, Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
Tax1099B Properties
1payerNameAddressNameAddressPhonePayer's name, address, and phone
2payerTinstringPayer's federal identification number
3recipientTinstringRecipient's identification number
4recipientNameAddressNameAddressRecipient's name and address
5accountNumberstringAccount number
6stateTaxWithholdingArray of StateTaxWithholdingBoxes 14-16, State tax withholding
7federalTaxWithheldnumber (double)Box 4, Federal income tax withheld
8profitOnClosedContractsnumber (double)Box 8, Profit or (loss) realized in current year on closed contracts
9unrealizedProfitOpenContractsBeginnumber (double)Box 9, Unrealized profit or loss on open contracts at end of last year
10unrealizedProfitOpenContractsEndnumber (double)Box 10, Unrealized profit or loss on open contracts at end of current year
11aggregateProfitOnContractsnumber (double)Box 11, Aggregate profit or (loss) on contracts
12barteringnumber (double)Box 13, Bartering
13securityDetailsArray of SecurityDetailBoxes 1-3, 5-7, 12, Security details
14secondTinNoticebooleanSecond TIN Notice
Tax1099B Usage:


OFX / Types / Tax1099B_V100
1 SRVRTID ServerIdType
2 TAXYEAR YearType
3 VOID BooleanType
4 CORRECTED BooleanType
5 DTSALE DateTimeType
6 CUSIPNUM CusipType
7 STKBND StocksBonds
8 BARTERING AmountType
9 FEDTAXWH AmountType
10 DSCR ShortMessageType
11 PROFIT AmountType
14 AGGPROFIT AmountType
15 EXTDBINFO_V100 ExtendedBInfo_V100
16 PAYERADDR PayerAddress
17 PAYERID GenericNameType
18 RECADDR RecipientAddress
19 RECID IdType
20 RECACCT GenericNameType
21 TINNOT BooleanType


Under Development


Reference Number Irs Form or Schedule Description Record Format Sign
320 D Schedule D 1 +
488 D Div inc., capital gain dist 3 +
644 D 28% cap gain 3 +
645 D Unrec sec 1250 3 +
646 D Sec 1202 gain 3 +
677 D Qualified 5-year gain 3 +
684 D Div inc., PostMay5 cap gain 3 +
321 D ST gain/loss 8949 Copy A 4 +
322 D ST gain/loss - other 4 +
323 D LT gain/loss 8949 Copy A 4 +
324 D LT gain/loss - other 4 +
673 D Short/Long 8949 Copy A 4 +
682 D Wash Sale - 8949 Copy A 4 +
711 D ST gain/loss 8949 Copy B 4 +
712 D ST gain/loss 8949 copy C 4 +
713 D LT gain/loss 8949 Copy B 4 +
714 D LT gain/loss 8949 Copy C 4 +
715 D Short/Long 8949 Copy B 4 +
716 D Short/Long 8949 Copy C 4 +
718 D Wash Sale - 8949 Copy B 4 +
321 D ST gain/loss 8949 Copy A 5 +
323 D LT gain/loss 8949 Copy A 5 +
673 D Short/Long 8949 Copy A 5 +
682 D Wash Sale - 8949 Copy A 5 +
711 D ST gain/loss 8949 Copy B 5 +
712 D ST gain/loss 8949 copy C 5 +
713 D LT gain/loss 8949 Copy B 5 +
714 D LT gain/loss 8949 Copy C 5 +
715 D Short/Long 8949 Copy B 5 +
716 D Short/Long 8949 Copy C 5 +
718 D Wash Sale - 8949 Copy B 5 +


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