W-2G : Certain Gambling Winnings


FDX / Data Structures / TaxW2G
Form W-2G, Certain Gambling Winnings
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
TaxW2G Properties
1payerNameAddressNameAddressPhonePayer's name, address and phone
2payerTinstringPAYER'S federal identification number
3winnerNameAddressNameAddressWinner's name and address
4winningsnumber (double)Box 1, Reportable winnings
5dateWonDateStringBox 2, Date won
6typeOfWagerstringBox 3, Type of wager
7federalTaxWithheldnumber (double)Box 4, Federal income tax withheld
8transactionstringBox 5, Transaction
9racestringBox 6, Race
10identicalWinningsnumber (double)Box 7, Winnings from identical wagers
11cashierstringBox 8, Cashier
12winnerTinstringBox 9, Winner's taxpayer identification no.
13windowstringBox 10, Window
14firstIdstringBox 11, First I.D.
15secondIdstringBox 12, Second I.D.
16payerStatestringBox 13, State
17stateWinningsnumber (double)Box 14, State winnings
18stateTaxWithheldnumber (double)Box 15, State income tax withheld
19localWinningsnumber (double)Box 16, Local winnings
20localTaxWithheldnumber (double)Box 17, Local income tax withheld
21localityNamestringBox 18, Name of locality
22payerStateIdstringBox 13, Payer's state identification no.
TaxW2G Usage:


OFX / Types / TaxW2G_V100
1 PAYERADDR PayerW2GAddressType
2 WINNERADDR WinnerAddressType
3 CORRECTED BooleanType
4 PAYERID GenericNameType
5 WINNINGS AmountType
6 DATEWON DateTimeType
7 TYPEWAGER GenericNameType
8 FEDTAXWH AmountType
9 TRANSACTION GenericNameType
10 RACE GenericNameType
11 INDENTICAL AmountType
12 CASHIER GenericNameType
14 WINDOW GenericNameType
15 FIRSTID GenericNameType
16 SECONDID GenericNameType
17 STWINNINGS AmountType
18 STATETAXWH AmountType
20 LOCALTAXWH AmountType
21 LOCALITY GenericNameType
22 PAYERSTATEID GenericNameType
23 PAYSTATE GenericNameType


Under Development


Reference Number Irs Form or Schedule Description Record Format Sign
548 W-2G Spouse 0 N/A
547 W-2G W-2G 1 +
549 W-2G Gross winnings 1 +
550 W-2G Federal tax withheld 1 -
551 W-2G State tax withheld 1 -
552 W-2G Payer 2 N/A


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