1099-R : Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.


FDX / Data Structures / Tax1099R
Form 1099-R, Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
Tax1099R Properties
1payerNameAddressNameAddressPhonePayer's name, address, and phone
2payerTinstringPAYER'S TIN
3recipientTinstringRECIPIENT'S TIN
4recipientNameAddressNameAddressRecipient's name and address
5allocableToIRRnumber (double)Box 10, Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years
6firstYearOfRothintegerBox 11, First year of designated Roth
7foreignAccountTaxCompliancebooleanFATCA filing requirement
8recipientAccountNumberstringAccount number
9dateOfPaymentDateStringDate of payment
10grossDistributionnumber (double)Box 1, Gross distribution
11taxableAmountnumber (double)Box 2a, Taxable amount
12taxableAmountNotDeterminedbooleanBox 2b, Taxable amount not determined
13totalDistributionbooleanBox 2c, Total distribution
14capitalGainnumber (double)Box 3, Capital gain
15federalTaxWithheldnumber (double)Box 4, Federal income tax withheld
16employeeContributionsnumber (double)Box 5, Employee contributions
17netUnrealizedAppreciationnumber (double)Box 6, Net unrealized appreciation
18distributionCodesArray of stringBox 7, Distribution codes
19iraSepSimplebooleanBox 7b, IRA/SEP/SIMPLE
20otherAmountnumber (double)Box 8, Other
21otherPercentnumber (double)Box 8, Other percent
22yourPercentOfTotalnumber (double)Box 9a, Your percent of total distribution
23totalEmployeeContributionsnumber (double)Box 9b, Total employee contributions
24stateTaxWithholdingArray of StateTaxWithholdingBoxes 12-14, State tax withholding
25localTaxWithholdingArray of LocalTaxWithholdingBoxes 15-17, Local tax withholding
Tax1099R Usage:


OFX / Types / Tax1099R_V100
1 SRVRTID ServerIdType
2 TAXYEAR YearType
3 VOID BooleanType
4 CORRECTED BooleanType
5 GROSSDIST AmountType
6 TAXAMT AmountType
7 TAXAMTND BooleanType
8 TOTALDIST BooleanType
9 CAPGAIN AmountType
10 FEDTAXWH AmountType
11 EMPCONTINS AmountType
12 NETUNAPEMP AmountType
13 DISTCODE CharType
14 IRASEPSIMP BooleanType
18 TOTEMPCONT AmountType
21 STTAXWHAGG StateTaxWithheldAggregate
22 LCLTAXWHAGG LocalTaxWithheldAggregate
23 PAYERADDR PayerAddress
24 PAYERID GenericNameType
25 RECADDR RecipientAddress
26 RECID IdType
27 RECACCT GenericNameType
28 FATCA BooleanType


Under Development


Reference Number Irs Form or Schedule Description Record Format Sign
474 1099-R Spouse 0 N/A
473 1099-R 1099-R 1 +
475 1099-R Pension total dist - gross 1 +
476 1099-R Pension total dist - taxable 1 +
477 1099-R IRA total dist - gross 1 +
478 1099-R IRA total dist - taxable 1 +
529 1099-R Pension federal withholding 1 -
530 1099-R Pension state withholding 1 -
531 1099-R Pension local withholding 1 -
532 1099-R IRA federal withholding 1 -
533 1099-R IRA state withholding 1 -
534 1099-R IRA local withholding 1 -
623 1099-R SIMPLE total distrib-gross 1 +
624 1099-R SIMPLE total distrib-taxable 1 +
625 1099-R SIMPLE federal withholding 1 -
626 1099-R SIMPLE state withholding 1 -
627 1099-R SIMPLE local withholding 1 -
603 1099-R Pension Payer 2 N/A
604 1099-R IRA Payer 2 N/A
628 1099-R SIMPLE Payer 2 N/A
655 1099-R IRA Distribution code 7A 2 N/A
655 1099-R Distribution code 7A 2 N/A
656 1099-R IRA Distribution code 7b 2 N/A
656 1099-R Distribution code 7b 2 N/A
664 1099-R IRA State ID 2 N/A
664 1099-R State ID 2 N/A
665 1099-R IRA Taxable not determined 2 N/A
665 1099-R Taxable not determined 2 N/A
666 1099-R IRA Total distribution 2 N/A
666 1099-R Total distribution 2 N/A
667 1099-R Pension Distrib code 7A 2 N/A
668 1099-R Pension Distrib code 7b 2 N/A
669 1099-R Pension State ID 2 N/A
670 1099-R Pension Tax. not determined 2 N/A
671 1099-R Pension Total distribution 2 N/A


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