1099-INT : Interest Income

FDX / Data Structures / Tax1099Int
Form 1099-INT, Interest Income
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax
Tax1099Int Properties
# | Id | Type | Description |
1 | payerNameAddress | NameAddressPhone | Payer's name, address, and phone |
2 | payerTin | string | Payer's TIN |
3 | recipientTin | string | Recipient's TIN |
4 | recipientNameAddress | NameAddress | Recipient's name and address |
5 | foreignAccountTaxCompliance | boolean | FATCA filing requirement |
6 | accountNumber | string | Account number |
7 | payerRtn | string | Payer's RTN |
8 | interestIncome | number (double) | Box 1, Interest income |
9 | earlyWithdrawalPenalty | number (double) | Box 2, Early withdrawal penalty |
10 | usBondInterest | number (double) | Box 3, Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury obligations |
11 | federalTaxWithheld | number (double) | Box 4, Federal income tax withheld |
12 | investmentExpenses | number (double) | Box 5, Investment expenses |
13 | foreignTaxPaid | number (double) | Box 6, Foreign tax paid |
14 | foreignCountry | string | Box 7, Foreign country or U.S. possession |
15 | taxExemptInterest | number (double) | Box 8, Tax-exempt interest |
16 | specifiedPabInterest | number (double) | Box 9, Specified private activity bond interest |
17 | marketDiscount | number (double) | Box 10, Market discount |
18 | bondPremium | number (double) | Box 11, Bond premium |
19 | usBondPremium | number (double) | Box 12, Bond premium on Treasury obligations |
20 | taxExemptBondPremium | number (double) | Box 13, Bond premium on tax-exempt bond |
21 | cusipNumber | string | Box 14, Tax-exempt bond CUSIP no. |
22 | stateTaxWithholding | Array of StateTaxWithholding | Boxes 15-17, State tax withholding |
23 | foreignIncomes | Array of DescriptionAmount | Supplemental foreign income amount information (description is country) |
24 | stateTaxExemptIncome | Array of DescriptionAmount | Supplemental tax-exempt income by state (description is state) |
25 | secondTinNotice | boolean | Second TIN Notice |
Tax1099Int Usage:
- TaxData tax1099Int
OFX / Types / Tax1099INT_V100
# | Tag | Type |
1 | SRVRTID | ServerIdType |
2 | TAXYEAR | YearType |
3 | VOID | BooleanType |
4 | CORRECTED | BooleanType |
5 | PAYERRTN | GenericNameType |
6 | INTINCOME | AmountType |
7 | ERLWITHPEN | AmountType |
8 | INTUSBNDTRS | AmountType |
9 | FEDTAXWH | AmountType |
10 | INVESTEXP | AmountType |
11 | FORTAXPD | AmountType |
12 | FORINCOMEAMT | AmountType |
13 | FORCNT | GenericNameType |
14 | FORINCOME | ForeignIncomeAggregate |
15 | TAXEXEMPTINT | AmountType |
16 | ORIGSTATE | OriginatingStateAggregate |
17 | SPECIFIEDPABINT | AmountType |
18 | MARKETDISCOUNT | AmountType |
19 | BONDPREMIUM | AmountType |
21 | TEBONDPREMIUM | AmountType |
22 | CUSIPNUM | CusipType |
23 | STATECODE | StateCodeType |
24 | STATEIDNUM | IdType |
25 | STATETAXWHELD | AmountType |
26 | ADDLSTATETAXWHAGG | AddlStateTaxWheldAggregate |
27 | PAYERADDR | PayerAddress |
28 | PAYERID | GenericNameType |
29 | RECADDR | RecipientAddress |
30 | RECID | IdType |
31 | RECACCT | GenericNameType |
32 | TINNOT | BooleanType |
33 | FATCA | BooleanType |
- Tax1099Response TAX1099INT_V100
Under Development
Reference Number | Irs Form or Schedule | Description | Record Format | Sign |
285 | 1099-INT | Schedule B | 1 | + |
640 | 1099-INT | 1099 INT | 1 | + |
642 | 1099-INT | Foreign country, int | 2 | N/A |
287 | 1099-INT | Interest income | 3 | + |
288 | 1099-INT | US govt. interest | 3 | + |
289 | 1099-INT | State and mun. bond int. | 3 | + |
290 | 1099-INT | TE priv. act. bond int | 3 | + |
489 | 1099-INT | Interest inc., non-taxable | 3 | + |
490 | 1099-INT | Int inc., fed-tax, state-non | 3 | + |
491 | 1099-INT | Int inc., fed-non, state-tax | 3 | + |
492 | 1099-INT | Int inc., orig issue disc | 3 | + |
524 | 1099-INT | Seller financed mtge int. | 3 | + |
641 | 1099-INT | Foreign tax, int | 3 | - |
653 | 1099-INT | Intestment expense, int | 3 | - |