1065 K-1 : Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.

FDX / Data Structures / Tax1065K1
Form 1065 K-1, Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax
Tax1065K1 Properties
# | Id | Type | Description |
1 | fiscalYearBegin | DateString | Fiscal year begin date |
2 | fiscalYearEnd | DateString | Fiscal year end data |
3 | finalK1 | boolean | Final K-1 |
4 | amendedK1 | boolean | Amended K-1 |
5 | partnershipTin | string | Box A, Partnership's employer identification number |
6 | partnershipNameAddress | NameAddress | Box D, Partnership's name, address, city, state, and ZIP code |
7 | irsCenter | string | Box C, IRS Center where partnership filed return |
8 | publiclyTraded | boolean | Box D, Check if this is a publicly traded partnership (PTP) |
9 | partnerTin | string | Box E, Partner's SSN or TIN |
10 | partnerNameAddress | NameAddress | Box F, Name, address, city, state, and ZIP code for partner entered in box E |
11 | generalPartner | boolean | Box G, General partner or LLC member-manager |
12 | limitedPartner | boolean | Box G, Limited partner or other LLC member |
13 | domestic | boolean | Box H1, Domestic partner |
14 | foreign | boolean | Box H1, Foreign partner |
15 | disregardedEntity | boolean | Box H2, Check if the partner is a disregarded entity (DE), and enter the partner's TIN and Name |
16 | disregardedEntityTin | string | Box H2, Disregarded entity partner's TIN |
17 | disregardedEntityName | string | Box H2, Disregarded entity partner's Name |
18 | entityType | string | Box I1, What type of entity is this partner? |
19 | retirementPlan | boolean | Box I2, If this partner is a retirement plan (IRA/SEP/Keogh/etc.), check here |
20 | profitShareBegin | number (double) | Box J, Partner's share of profit - beginning |
21 | profitShareEnd | number (double) | Box J, Partner's share of profit - ending |
22 | lossShareBegin | number (double) | Box J, Partner's share of loss - beginning |
23 | lossShareEnd | number (double) | Box J, Partner's share of loss - ending |
24 | capitalShareBegin | number (double) | Box J, Partner's share of capital - beginning |
25 | capitalShareEnd | number (double) | Box J, Partner's share of capital - ending |
26 | decreaseDueToSaleOrExchange | boolean | Box J, Check if decrease is due to sale or exchange of partnership interest |
27 | nonrecourseLiabilityShareBegin | number (double) | Box K, Partner's share of liabilities - beginning - nonrecourse |
28 | nonrecourseLiabilityShareEnd | number (double) | Box K, Partner's share of liabilities - ending - nonrecourse |
29 | qualifiedLiabilityShareBegin | number (double) | Box K, Partner's share of liabilities - beginning - qualified nonrecourse financing |
30 | qualifiedLiabilityShareEnd | number (double) | Box K, Partner's share of liabilities - ending - qualified nonrecourse financing |
31 | recourseLiabilityShareBegin | number (double) | Box K, Partner's share of liabilities - beginning - recourse |
32 | recourseLiabilityShareEnd | number (double) | Box K, Partner's share of liabilities - ending - recourse |
33 | includesLowerTierLiability | boolean | Box K, Check this box if item K includes liability amounts from lower tier partnerships |
34 | capitalAccountBegin | number (double) | Box L, Partner's capital account analysis - Beginning capital account |
35 | capitalAccountContributions | number (double) | Box L, Partner's capital account analysis - Capital contributed during the year |
36 | capitalAccountIncrease | number (double) | Box L, Partner's capital account analysis - Current year net income (loss) |
37 | capitalAccountOther | number (double) | Box L, Partner's capital account analysis - Other increase (decrease) |
38 | capitalAccountWithdrawals | number (double) | Box L, Partner's capital account analysis - Withdrawals & distributions |
39 | capitalAccountEnd | number (double) | Box L, Partner's capital account analysis - Ending capital account |
40 | bookTax | boolean | 2018 Box L, Tax basis (IRS removed 2019) |
41 | bookGaap | boolean | 2018 Box L, GAAP (IRS removed 2019) |
42 | book704b | boolean | 2018 Box L, Section 704(b) book (IRS removed 2019) |
43 | bookOther | boolean | 2018 Box L, Other (explain) (IRS removed 2019) |
44 | bookOtherExplain | string | 2018 Box L, Other (explain) (IRS removed 2019) |
45 | builtInGain | boolean | Box M, Did the partner contribute property with a built-in gain or loss? - Yes |
46 | unrecognizedSection704Begin | number (double) | Box N, Partner's Share of Net Unrecognized Section 704(c) Gain or (Loss) - beginning |
47 | unrecognizedSection704End | number (double) | Box N, Partner's Share of Net Unrecognized Section 704(c) Gain or (Loss) - ending |
48 | ordinaryIncome | number (double) | Box 1, Ordinary business income (loss) |
49 | netRentalRealEstateIncome | number (double) | Box 2, Net rental real estate income (loss) |
50 | otherRentalIncome | number (double) | Box 3, Other net rental income (loss) |
51 | guaranteedPaymentServices | number (double) | Box 4a, Guaranteed payments for services |
52 | guaranteedPaymentCapital | number (double) | Box 4b, Guaranteed payments for capital |
53 | guaranteedPayment | number (double) | Box 4c, Total guaranteed payments |
54 | interestIncome | number (double) | Box 5, Interest income |
55 | ordinaryDividends | number (double) | Box 6a, Ordinary dividends |
56 | qualifiedDividends | number (double) | Box 6b, Qualified dividends |
57 | dividendEquivalents | number (double) | Box 6c, Dividend equivalents |
58 | royalties | number (double) | Box 7, Royalties |
59 | netShortTermGain | number (double) | Box 8, Net short-term capital gain (loss) |
60 | netLongTermGain | number (double) | Box 9a, Net long-term capital gain (loss) |
61 | collectiblesGain | number (double) | Box 9b, Collectibles (28%) gain (loss) |
62 | unrecaptured1250Gain | number (double) | Box 9c, Unrecaptured section 1250 gain |
63 | net1231Gain | number (double) | Box 10, Net section 1231 gain (loss) |
64 | otherIncome | Array of CodeAmount | Box 11, Other income |
65 | section179Deduction | number (double) | Box 12, Section 179 deduction |
66 | otherDeductions | Array of CodeAmount | Box 13, Other deductions |
67 | selfEmployment | Array of CodeAmount | Box 14, Self-employment earnings (loss) |
68 | credits | Array of CodeAmount | Box 15, Credits |
69 | scheduleK3 | boolean | Box 16, Schedule K-3 is attached |
70 | foreignCountry | string | Box 16, Foreign country. IRS deprecated 2021 and is now reported on Schedule K-3 |
71 | foreignTransactions | Array of CodeAmount | Box 16, Foreign transactions. IRS deprecated 2021 and is now reported on Schedule K-3 |
72 | amtItems | Array of CodeAmount | Box 17, Alternative minimum tax (AMT) items |
73 | taxExemptIncome | Array of CodeAmount | Box 18, Tax-exempt income and nondeductible expenses |
74 | distributions | Array of CodeAmount | Box 19, Distributions |
75 | otherInfo | Array of CodeAmount | Box 20, Other information |
76 | foreignTaxPaid | number (double) | Box 21, Foreign taxes paid or accrued |
77 | multipleAtRiskActivities | boolean | Box 22, More than one activity for at-risk purposes |
78 | multiplePassiveActivities | boolean | Box 23, More than one activity for passive activity purposes |
Tax1065K1 Usage:
- TaxData tax1065K1
OFX / Types / Tax1065K1_V100
# | Tag | Type |
1 | SRVRTID | ServerIdType |
2 | TAXYEAR | YearType |
3 | VOID | BooleanType |
4 | CORRECTED | BooleanType |
5 | FINALK1 | BooleanType |
6 | AMENDEDK1 | BooleanType |
7 | PARTNERSHIPNAME | GenericNameType |
8 | PARTNERSHIPEIN | GenericNameType |
9 | PARTNERSHIPADDRESS | anonymous complex type |
10 | IRSCENTER | GenericNameType |
12 | PARTNERID | GenericNameType |
13 | PARTNERINFO | anonymous complex type |
14 | GENERALPARTNER | BooleanType |
15 | LIMITEDPARTNER | BooleanType |
16 | DOMESTICPARTNER | BooleanType |
17 | FOREIGNPARTNER | BooleanType |
18 | DISREGARDEDENTITY | BooleanType |
21 | PARTNERENTITYTYPE | GenericNameType |
23 | PARTNERSSHAREPROFITLOSSCAPITAL | anonymous complex type |
24 | PARTNERSHARELIAB | anonymous complex type |
25 | PARTNERSCAPITALACCT | anonymous complex type |
29 | ORDINARYINCOME | AmountType |
34 | GUARANTEDPAYMENT | AmountType |
35 | INTEREST | AmountType |
36 | ORDINARYDIVIDEND | AmountType |
38 | ROYALTIES | AmountType |
39 | NETSTCAPITALGAIN | AmountType |
40 | NETLTCAPITALGAIN | AmountType |
41 | COLLECTIBLES | AmountType |
42 | UNRECAPSEC1250GAIN | AmountType |
43 | NETSEC1231GAIN | AmountType |
44 | OTHERINCOMELOSS | CodeAmountType |
45 | SEC179DEDUCT | AmountType |
46 | OTHERDEDUCTIONS | CodeAmountType |
47 | SELFEMPLOY | CodeAmountType |
48 | CREDITS | CodeAmountType |
49 | FOREIGNCOUNTRY | GenericNameType |
51 | AMTITEMS | CodeAmountType |
52 | TAXEXEMPT | CodeAmountType |
53 | DISTRIBUTIONS | CodeAmountType |
54 | OTHERINFO | CodeAmountType |
56 | FISCALYEARBEGIN | DateTimeType |
57 | FISCALYEAREND | DateTimeType |
- TaxK1Response TAX1065K1_V100
This form is not reported in the IRS FIRE system.
Reference Number | Irs Form or Schedule | Description | Record Format | Sign |
447 | K-1 | Spouse | 0 | N/A |
446 | K-1 | Schedule K-1 Worksheet | 1 | + |
448 | K-1 | Ordinary income/loss | 1 | +/- |
449 | K-1 | Rental real est. inc/loss | 1 | +/- |
450 | K-1 | Other rental income/loss | 1 | +/- |
451 | K-1 | Interest income | 1 | + |
452 | K-1 | Dividends | 1 | + |
453 | K-1 | Net ST capital gain/loss | 1 | +/- |
454 | K-1 | Net LT capital gain/loss | 1 | +/- |
455 | K-1 | Guaranteed payments | 1 | + |
456 | K-1 | Net sec 1231 gain/loss | 1 | +/- |
527 | K-1 | Royalties | 1 | + |
528 | K-1 | Tax-exempt interest | 1 | + |
674 | K-1 | 28% rate gain(loss) | 1 | +/- |
675 | K-1 | Qualified 5-year gain | 1 | +/- |
676 | K-1 | Other Income (loss) | 1 | +/- |
679 | K-1 | Total Foreign Taxes | 1 | - |
457 | K-1 | Partnership or S corp name | 2 | N/A |