1099-LTC : Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits

FDX / Data Structures / Tax1099Ltc
Form 1099-LTC, Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax
Tax1099Ltc Properties
# | Id | Type | Description |
1 | payerNameAddress | NameAddressPhone | Payer's name, address, and phone |
2 | payerTin | string | PAYER'S TIN |
3 | policyholderTin | string | POLICYHOLDER'S TIN |
4 | policyHolderNameAddress | NameAddress | Policyholder name and address |
5 | accountNumber | string | Account number |
6 | ltcBenefits | number (double) | Box 1, Gross long-term care benefits paid |
7 | deathBenefits | number (double) | Box 2, Accelerated death benefits paid |
8 | perDiem | boolean | Box 3, Per diem |
9 | reimbursedAmount | boolean | Box 3, Reimbursed amount |
10 | insuredId | string | INSURED'S taxpayer identification no. |
11 | insuredNameAddress | NameAddress | Insured name and address |
12 | qualifiedContract | boolean | Box 4, Qualified contract |
13 | chronicallyIll | boolean | Box 5, Chronically ill |
14 | terminallyIll | boolean | Box 5, Terminally ill |
15 | dateCertified | DateString | Date certified |
Tax1099Ltc Usage:
- TaxData tax1099Ltc
OFX / Types / Tax1099LTC_V100
# | Tag | Type |
1 | SRVRTID | ServerIdType |
2 | TAXYEAR | YearType |
3 | VOID | BooleanType |
4 | CORRECTED | BooleanType |
5 | POLICYHOLDERADDR | PolicyholderAddressType |
6 | INSUREDADDR | InsuredAddressType |
7 | PAYERADDR | PayerAddressType |
8 | PAYERID | GenericNameType |
10 | RECACCT | GenericNameType |
11 | LONGTERMBEN | AmountType |
12 | DEATHBEN | AmountType |
13 | PERDIEM | BooleanType |
14 | REIMB | BooleanType |
15 | INSUREDID | IdType |
16 | QUALCONTRACT | BooleanType |
17 | CHRONIC | BooleanType |
18 | TERMINAL | BooleanType |
19 | DATECERT | DateTimeType |
- Tax1099Response TAX1099LTC_V100
Under Development
The TXF standard does not support this form.