1099-G : Certain Government Payments


FDX / Data Structures / Tax1099G
Form 1099-G, Certain Government Payments
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
Tax1099G Properties
1payerNameAddressNameAddressPhonePayer's name, address, and phone
2payerTinstringPAYER'S TIN
3recipientTinstringRECIPIENT'S TIN
4recipientNameAddressNameAddressRecipient's name and address
5accountNumberstringAccount number
6unemploymentCompensationnumber (double)Box 1, Unemployment compensation
7taxRefundnumber (double)Box 2, State or local income tax refunds, credits, or offsets
8refundYearintegerBox 3, Box 2 amount is for tax year
9federalTaxWithheldnumber (double)Box 4, Federal income tax withheld
10rtaaPaymentsnumber (double)Box 5, RTAA payments
11grantsnumber (double)Box 6, Taxable grants
12agriculturePaymentsnumber (double)Box 7, Agriculture payments
13businessIncomebooleanBox 8, If checked, box 2 is trade or business income
14marketGainnumber (double)Box 9, Market gain
15stateTaxWithholdingArray of StateTaxWithholdingBoxes 10-11, State tax withholding
16secondTinNoticebooleanSecond TIN Notice
Tax1099G Usage:


OFX / Types / Tax1099G_V100
1 SRVRTID ServerIdType
2 TAXYEAR YearType
3 VOID BooleanType
4 CORRECTED BooleanType
5 PAYERADDR PayerAddressType
6 RECIPADDR RecipientAddressType
7 ADDLSTATETAXWHAGG AddlStateTaxWheldAggregateType
8 PAYERID GenericNameType
9 RECID IdType
10 ACCTNUM GenericNameType
11 UNEMP AmountType
12 STREFUND AmountType
14 FEDTAXWH AmountType
15 RTAA AmountType
16 GRANTS AmountType
17 AGRPMTS AmountType
19 MKTGAIN AmountType


Under Development


Reference Number Irs Form or Schedule Description Record Format Sign
635 1099-G Spouse 0 N/A
260 1099-G State and local refunds 1 +
479 1099-G Unemployment comp 1 +
606 1099-G Fed tax w/h,unemploymt comp 1 -
634 1099-G 1099-G 1 +


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