Farm Rental Income Statement : Farm Rental Income Statement for IRS Form 4835


FDX / Data Structures / FarmRentalIncomeStatement
Farm Rental Income Statement, Farm Rental Income Statement for IRS Form 4835
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
FarmRentalIncomeStatement Properties
1incomeFromProductionnumber (double)Box 1, Income from production of livestock, produce, grains, and other crops
2coopDistributionsnumber (double)Box 2a, Cooperative distributions
3agProgramPaymentsnumber (double)Box 3a, Agricultural program payments
4cccLoansnumber (double)Box 4a, Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans reported under election
5cropInsuranceProceedsnumber (double)Box 5a, Crop insurance proceeds and federal crop disaster payments
6otherIncomeArray of DescriptionAmountBox 6, Other income
7carAndTrucknumber (double)Box 8, Car and truck expenses
8chemicalsnumber (double)Box 9, Chemicals
9conservationnumber (double)Box 10, Conservation expenses
10customHireExpensesnumber (double)Box 11, Custom hire (machine work)
11depreciationnumber (double)Box 12, Depreciation
12employeeBenefitProgramsnumber (double)Box 13, Employee benefit programs
13feednumber (double)Box 14, Feed
14fertilizersnumber (double)Box 15, Fertilizers and lime
15freightnumber (double)Box 16, Freight and trucking
16fuelnumber (double)Box 17, Gasoline, fuel, and oil
17insurancenumber (double)Box 18, Insurance (other than health)
18mortgageInterestnumber (double)Box 19a, Mortgage Interest
19otherInterestnumber (double)Box 19b, Other interest
20laborHirednumber (double)Box 20, Labor hired
21pensionnumber (double)Box 21, Pension and profit-sharing plans
22equipmentRentnumber (double)Box 22a, Rent or lease: Vehicles, machinery, equipment
23otherRentnumber (double)Box 22b, Rent or lease: Other
24repairsnumber (double)Box 23, Repairs and maintenance
25seedsnumber (double)Box 24, Seeds and plants
26storagenumber (double)Box 25, Storage and warehousing
27suppliesnumber (double)Box 26, Supplies
28taxesnumber (double)Box 27, Taxes
29utilitiesnumber (double)Box 28, Utilities
30veterinarynumber (double)Box 29, Veterinary, breeding, and medicine
31otherExpensesArray of DescriptionAmountBox 30, Other expenses
32capitalExpendituresArray of DateAmountCapital expenditures, for use in calculating Depreciation
FarmRentalIncomeStatement Usage:
  • TaxData farmRentalIncomeStatement



The OFX standard does not support this form.


This form is not reported in the IRS FIRE system.

Reference Number Irs Form or Schedule Description Record Format Sign
570 4835 Spouse 0 N/A
569 4835 Form 4835 1 +
571 4835 Sale of livestock/produce 1 +
572 4835 Total co-op distributions 1 +
573 4835 Agricultural program paymnts 1 +
574 4835 CCC loans reported/election 1 +
575 4835 CCC loans forfeited/repaid 1 +
576 4835 Crop ins. proceeds rec'd 1 +
577 4835 Crop ins. proceeds deferred 1 +
578 4835 Other income 1 +
579 4835 Car and truck expenses 1 -
580 4835 Chemicals 1 -
581 4835 Conservation expenses 1 -
582 4835 Custom hire (machine work) 1 -
583 4835 Employee benefit programs 1 -
584 4835 Feed purchased 1 -
585 4835 Fertilizers and lime 1 -
586 4835 Freight and trucking 1 -
587 4835 Gasoline, fuel, and oil 1 -
588 4835 Insurance(other than health) 1 -
589 4835 Interest expense, mortgage 1 -
590 4835 Interest expense, other 1 -
591 4835 Labor hired 1 -
592 4835 Pension/profit-sharing plans 1 -
593 4835 Rent/lease vehicles, equip. 1 -
594 4835 Rent/lease land, animals 1 -
595 4835 Repairs and maintenance 1 -
596 4835 Seeds and plants purchased 1 -
597 4835 Storage and warehousing 1 -
598 4835 Supplies purchased 1 -
599 4835 Taxes 1 -
600 4835 Utilities 1 -
601 4835 Vet, breeding, medicine 1 -
602 4835 Other expenses 3 -


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