Farm Rental Income Statement : Farm Rental Income Statement for IRS Form 4835

FDX / Data Structures / FarmRentalIncomeStatement
Farm Rental Income Statement, Farm Rental Income Statement for IRS Form 4835
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax
FarmRentalIncomeStatement Properties
# | Id | Type | Description |
1 | incomeFromProduction | number (double) | Box 1, Income from production of livestock, produce, grains, and other crops |
2 | coopDistributions | number (double) | Box 2a, Cooperative distributions |
3 | agProgramPayments | number (double) | Box 3a, Agricultural program payments |
4 | cccLoans | number (double) | Box 4a, Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans reported under election |
5 | cropInsuranceProceeds | number (double) | Box 5a, Crop insurance proceeds and federal crop disaster payments |
6 | otherIncome | Array of DescriptionAmount | Box 6, Other income |
7 | carAndTruck | number (double) | Box 8, Car and truck expenses |
8 | chemicals | number (double) | Box 9, Chemicals |
9 | conservation | number (double) | Box 10, Conservation expenses |
10 | customHireExpenses | number (double) | Box 11, Custom hire (machine work) |
11 | depreciation | number (double) | Box 12, Depreciation |
12 | employeeBenefitPrograms | number (double) | Box 13, Employee benefit programs |
13 | feed | number (double) | Box 14, Feed |
14 | fertilizers | number (double) | Box 15, Fertilizers and lime |
15 | freight | number (double) | Box 16, Freight and trucking |
16 | fuel | number (double) | Box 17, Gasoline, fuel, and oil |
17 | insurance | number (double) | Box 18, Insurance (other than health) |
18 | mortgageInterest | number (double) | Box 19a, Mortgage Interest |
19 | otherInterest | number (double) | Box 19b, Other interest |
20 | laborHired | number (double) | Box 20, Labor hired |
21 | pension | number (double) | Box 21, Pension and profit-sharing plans |
22 | equipmentRent | number (double) | Box 22a, Rent or lease: Vehicles, machinery, equipment |
23 | otherRent | number (double) | Box 22b, Rent or lease: Other |
24 | repairs | number (double) | Box 23, Repairs and maintenance |
25 | seeds | number (double) | Box 24, Seeds and plants |
26 | storage | number (double) | Box 25, Storage and warehousing |
27 | supplies | number (double) | Box 26, Supplies |
28 | taxes | number (double) | Box 27, Taxes |
29 | utilities | number (double) | Box 28, Utilities |
30 | veterinary | number (double) | Box 29, Veterinary, breeding, and medicine |
31 | otherExpenses | Array of DescriptionAmount | Box 30, Other expenses |
32 | capitalExpenditures | Array of DateAmount | Capital expenditures, for use in calculating Depreciation |
FarmRentalIncomeStatement Usage:
- TaxData farmRentalIncomeStatement
The OFX standard does not support this form.
This form is not reported in the IRS FIRE system.
Reference Number | Irs Form or Schedule | Description | Record Format | Sign |
570 | 4835 | Spouse | 0 | N/A |
569 | 4835 | Form 4835 | 1 | + |
571 | 4835 | Sale of livestock/produce | 1 | + |
572 | 4835 | Total co-op distributions | 1 | + |
573 | 4835 | Agricultural program paymnts | 1 | + |
574 | 4835 | CCC loans reported/election | 1 | + |
575 | 4835 | CCC loans forfeited/repaid | 1 | + |
576 | 4835 | Crop ins. proceeds rec'd | 1 | + |
577 | 4835 | Crop ins. proceeds deferred | 1 | + |
578 | 4835 | Other income | 1 | + |
579 | 4835 | Car and truck expenses | 1 | - |
580 | 4835 | Chemicals | 1 | - |
581 | 4835 | Conservation expenses | 1 | - |
582 | 4835 | Custom hire (machine work) | 1 | - |
583 | 4835 | Employee benefit programs | 1 | - |
584 | 4835 | Feed purchased | 1 | - |
585 | 4835 | Fertilizers and lime | 1 | - |
586 | 4835 | Freight and trucking | 1 | - |
587 | 4835 | Gasoline, fuel, and oil | 1 | - |
588 | 4835 | Insurance(other than health) | 1 | - |
589 | 4835 | Interest expense, mortgage | 1 | - |
590 | 4835 | Interest expense, other | 1 | - |
591 | 4835 | Labor hired | 1 | - |
592 | 4835 | Pension/profit-sharing plans | 1 | - |
593 | 4835 | Rent/lease vehicles, equip. | 1 | - |
594 | 4835 | Rent/lease land, animals | 1 | - |
595 | 4835 | Repairs and maintenance | 1 | - |
596 | 4835 | Seeds and plants purchased | 1 | - |
597 | 4835 | Storage and warehousing | 1 | - |
598 | 4835 | Supplies purchased | 1 | - |
599 | 4835 | Taxes | 1 | - |
600 | 4835 | Utilities | 1 | - |
601 | 4835 | Vet, breeding, medicine | 1 | - |
602 | 4835 | Other expenses | 3 | - |