
OFX / Types / CoveredIndivGrpType
1 PERSONNM GenericNameType
2 SSN GenericNameType
4 ALLYEARIND BooleanType
5 JANUARYIND BooleanType
7 MARCHIND BooleanType
8 APRILIND BooleanType
9 MAYIND BooleanType
10 JUNEIND BooleanType
11 JULYIND BooleanType
12 AUGUSTIND BooleanType
14 OCTOBERIND BooleanType
15 NOVEMBERIND BooleanType
16 DECEMBERIND BooleanType
	<xsd:complexType name="CoveredIndivGrpType">
			<xsd:documentation>OFX element "COVEREDINDIVIDUAL" is of type "CoveredIndivGrpType"</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="PERSONNM" type="ofx:GenericNameType">
					<xsd:documentation>The name of the covered individual on the health plan</xsd:documentation>
				<xsd:element name="SSN" type="ofx:GenericNameType">
						<xsd:documentation>The SSN of the covered individual on the health plan</xsd:documentation>
				<xsd:element name="PERSONBIRTHDT" type="ofx:DateTimeType">
						<xsd:documentation>The date of birth of the covered individual on the health plan when SSN is not present</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="ALLYEARIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation> Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan for the entire year.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="JANUARYIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation> Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in January.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="FEBRUARYIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation>Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in February.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="MARCHIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation>Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in March.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="APRILIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation>Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in April.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="MAYIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation>Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in May.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="JUNEIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation> Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in June.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="JULYIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation> Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in July.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="AUGUSTIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation> Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in August.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="SEPTEMBERIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation> Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in September.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="OCTOBERIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation>Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in October.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="NOVEMBERIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation>Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in November.</xsd:documentation>
			<xsd:element name="DECEMBERIND" type="ofx:BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
					<xsd:documentation>Indicates that person was covered by an insurance plan in December.</xsd:documentation>

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