IRIS Form1099KDetailType


Under Development
as of April 11, 2023


+- root: Form1099KDetailType
|  +- taxYr: String
|  +- recordId: String
|  +- issuerOfficeCd: String
|  +- cfsfElectionStateCd: StateType[]
|  +- voidInd: String
|  +- correctedInd: String
|  +- prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp: PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType
|  |  +- uniqueRecordId: String
|  |  +- tin: String
|  |  +- personName: OtherCompletePersonNameType
|  |  |  +- personFirstNm: String
|  |  |  +- personMiddleNm: String
|  |  |  +- personLastNm: String
|  |  |  +- suffixNm: String
|  |  +- businessName: BusinessNameType
|  |  |  +- businessNameLine1Txt: String
|  |  |  +- businessNameLine2Txt: String
|  +- recipientDetail: RecipientDetailType
|  |  +- tin: String
|  |  +- tinSubmittedTypeCd: TINSubmittedTypeCdType
|  |  +- personNameControlTxt: String
|  |  +- personName: OtherCompletePersonNameType
|  |  |  +- personFirstNm: String
|  |  |  +- personMiddleNm: String
|  |  |  +- personLastNm: String
|  |  |  +- suffixNm: String
|  |  +- businessNameControlTxt: String
|  |  +- businessName: BusinessNameType
|  |  |  +- businessNameLine1Txt: String
|  |  |  +- businessNameLine2Txt: String
|  |  +- additionalRecipientTxt: String
|  |  +- mailingAddressGrp: AddressGrpType
|  |  |  +- usAddress: USAddressType
|  |  |  |  +- addressLine1Txt: String
|  |  |  |  +- addressLine2Txt: String
|  |  |  |  +- cityNm: String
|  |  |  |  +- stateAbbreviationCd: StateType
|  |  |  |  +- zipCd: String
|  |  |  +- foreignAddress: ForeignAddressType
|  |  |  |  +- addressLine1Txt: String
|  |  |  |  +- addressLine2Txt: String
|  |  |  |  +- cityNm: String
|  |  |  |  +- provinceOrStateNm: String
|  |  |  |  +- countryCd: CountryType
|  |  |  |  +- foreignPostalCd: String
|  |  +- recipientAccountNum: String
|  +- pseInd: String
|  +- epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd: String
|  +- paymentCardInd: String
|  +- thirdPartyNetworkInd: String
|  +- pseNm: String
|  +- psePhoneNum: String
|  +- secondTINNoticeInd: String
|  +- grossAmt: BigInteger
|  +- cardNotPresentTransAmt: BigInteger
|  +- merchantCategoryCd: String
|  +- paymentTransactionCnt: BigInteger
|  +- federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt: BigInteger
|  +- januaryAmt: BigInteger
|  +- februaryAmt: BigInteger
|  +- marchAmt: BigInteger
|  +- aprilAmt: BigInteger
|  +- mayAmt: BigInteger
|  +- juneAmt: BigInteger
|  +- julyAmt: BigInteger
|  +- augustAmt: BigInteger
|  +- septemberAmt: BigInteger
|  +- octoberAmt: BigInteger
|  +- novemberAmt: BigInteger
|  +- decemberAmt: BigInteger
|  +- stateLocalTaxGrp: StateLocalTaxGrpType[]
|  |  +- stateAbbreviationCd: StateType
|  |  +- stateTaxGrp: StateTaxGrpType
|  |  |  +- stateIdNum: String
|  |  |  +- stateTaxWithheldAmt: BigInteger
|  |  |  +- stateIncomeAmt: BigInteger
|  |  |  +- stateDistributionAmt: BigInteger
|  |  +- localTaxGrp: LocalTaxGrpType
|  |  |  +- localTaxWithheldAmt: BigInteger
|  |  |  +- localIncomeAmt: BigInteger
|  |  |  +- localityNm: String
|  |  |  +- localAbbreviationCd: String
|  |  |  +- localDistributionAmt: BigInteger
|  |  +- specialDataEntriesTxt: String



Java Code

package modelsiris;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.Equals2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.EqualsStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBEqualsStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBToStringStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToString2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToStringStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.ObjectLocator;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.util.LocatorUtils;

 * <pre>
 * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Component xmlns="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir" xmlns:xsd=""><DictionaryEntryNm>Form 1099 K Detail Type</DictionaryEntryNm><MajorVersionNum>1</MajorVersionNum><MinorVersionNum>0</MinorVersionNum><VersionEffectiveBeginDt>2021-10-21</VersionEffectiveBeginDt><VersionDescriptionTxt>Initial version</VersionDescriptionTxt><DescriptionTxt>The content model for the form 1099 K.</DescriptionTxt></Component>
 * </pre>
 * <p>Java class for Form1099KDetailType complex type.
 * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
 * <pre>
 * <complexType name="Form1099KDetailType">
 *   <complexContent>
 *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *       <sequence>
 *         <element name="TaxYr" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}YearType"/>
 *         <element name="RecordId" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}RecordIdType"/>
 *         <element name="IssuerOfficeCd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}Code4Type" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="CFSFElectionStateCd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}StateType" maxOccurs="62" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="VoidInd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}DigitBooleanType"/>
 *         <element name="CorrectedInd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}DigitBooleanType"/>
 *         <element name="PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="RecipientDetail" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}RecipientDetailType"/>
 *         <element name="PSEInd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}DigitBooleanType"/>
 *         <element name="EPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}DigitBooleanType"/>
 *         <element name="PaymentCardInd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}DigitBooleanType"/>
 *         <element name="ThirdPartyNetworkInd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}DigitBooleanType"/>
 *         <element name="PSENm" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}PersonNameType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="PSEPhoneNum" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}ContactPhoneNumberType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="SecondTINNoticeInd" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}DigitBooleanType"/>
 *         <element name="GrossAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="CardNotPresentTransAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="MerchantCategoryCd">
 *           <simpleType>
 *             <restriction base="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}TextType">
 *               <pattern value="[0-9]{4}"/>
 *             </restriction>
 *           </simpleType>
 *         </element>
 *         <element name="PaymentTransactionCnt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}TotalNumberNonNegativeType"/>
 *         <element name="FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="JanuaryAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="FebruaryAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="MarchAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="AprilAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="MayAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="JuneAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="JulyAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="AugustAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="SeptemberAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="OctoberAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="NovemberAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="DecemberAmt" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}USAmountNNType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="StateLocalTaxGrp" type="{urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir}StateLocalTaxGrpType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
 *       </sequence>
 *     </restriction>
 *   </complexContent>
 * </complexType>
 * </pre>
@XmlType(name = "Form1099KDetailType", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", propOrder = {
public class Form1099KDetailType implements Equals2, ToString2

    @XmlElement(name = "TaxYr", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String taxYr;
    @XmlElement(name = "RecordId", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String recordId;
    @XmlElement(name = "IssuerOfficeCd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    protected String issuerOfficeCd;
    @XmlElement(name = "CFSFElectionStateCd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "string")
    protected List<StateType> cfsfElectionStateCd;
    @XmlElement(name = "VoidInd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String voidInd;
    @XmlElement(name = "CorrectedInd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String correctedInd;
    @XmlElement(name = "PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    protected PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp;
    @XmlElement(name = "RecipientDetail", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected RecipientDetailType recipientDetail;
    @XmlElement(name = "PSEInd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String pseInd;
    @XmlElement(name = "EPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd;
    @XmlElement(name = "PaymentCardInd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String paymentCardInd;
    @XmlElement(name = "ThirdPartyNetworkInd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String thirdPartyNetworkInd;
    @XmlElement(name = "PSENm", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    protected String pseNm;
    @XmlElement(name = "PSEPhoneNum", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    protected String psePhoneNum;
    @XmlElement(name = "SecondTINNoticeInd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String secondTINNoticeInd;
    @XmlElement(name = "GrossAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger grossAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "CardNotPresentTransAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger cardNotPresentTransAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "MerchantCategoryCd", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    protected String merchantCategoryCd;
    @XmlElement(name = "PaymentTransactionCnt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir", required = true)
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger paymentTransactionCnt;
    @XmlElement(name = "FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "JanuaryAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger januaryAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "FebruaryAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger februaryAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "MarchAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger marchAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "AprilAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger aprilAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "MayAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger mayAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "JuneAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger juneAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "JulyAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger julyAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "AugustAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger augustAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "SeptemberAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger septemberAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "OctoberAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger octoberAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "NovemberAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger novemberAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "DecemberAmt", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger")
    protected BigInteger decemberAmt;
    @XmlElement(name = "StateLocalTaxGrp", namespace = "urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ir")
    protected List<StateLocalTaxGrpType> stateLocalTaxGrp;

     * Gets the value of the taxYr property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getTaxYr() {
        return taxYr;

     * Sets the value of the taxYr property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setTaxYr(String value) {
        this.taxYr = value;

     * Gets the value of the recordId property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getRecordId() {
        return recordId;

     * Sets the value of the recordId property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setRecordId(String value) {
        this.recordId = value;

     * Gets the value of the issuerOfficeCd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getIssuerOfficeCd() {
        return issuerOfficeCd;

     * Sets the value of the issuerOfficeCd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setIssuerOfficeCd(String value) {
        this.issuerOfficeCd = value;

     * Gets the value of the cfsfElectionStateCd property.
     * <p>
     * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
     * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
     * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
     * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the cfsfElectionStateCd property.
     * <p>
     * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
     * <pre>
     *    getCFSFElectionStateCd().add(newItem);
     * </pre>
     * <p>
     * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
     * {@link StateType }
    public List<StateType> getCFSFElectionStateCd() {
        if (cfsfElectionStateCd == null) {
            cfsfElectionStateCd = new ArrayList<StateType>();
        return this.cfsfElectionStateCd;

     * Gets the value of the voidInd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getVoidInd() {
        return voidInd;

     * Sets the value of the voidInd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setVoidInd(String value) {
        this.voidInd = value;

     * Gets the value of the correctedInd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getCorrectedInd() {
        return correctedInd;

     * Sets the value of the correctedInd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setCorrectedInd(String value) {
        this.correctedInd = value;

     * Gets the value of the prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType }
    public PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType getPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp() {
        return prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp;

     * Sets the value of the prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType }
    public void setPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp(PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType value) {
        this.prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp = value;

     * Gets the value of the recipientDetail property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link RecipientDetailType }
    public RecipientDetailType getRecipientDetail() {
        return recipientDetail;

     * Sets the value of the recipientDetail property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link RecipientDetailType }
    public void setRecipientDetail(RecipientDetailType value) {
        this.recipientDetail = value;

     * Gets the value of the pseInd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getPSEInd() {
        return pseInd;

     * Sets the value of the pseInd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setPSEInd(String value) {
        this.pseInd = value;

     * Gets the value of the epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd() {
        return epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd;

     * Sets the value of the epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd(String value) {
        this.epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd = value;

     * Gets the value of the paymentCardInd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getPaymentCardInd() {
        return paymentCardInd;

     * Sets the value of the paymentCardInd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setPaymentCardInd(String value) {
        this.paymentCardInd = value;

     * Gets the value of the thirdPartyNetworkInd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getThirdPartyNetworkInd() {
        return thirdPartyNetworkInd;

     * Sets the value of the thirdPartyNetworkInd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setThirdPartyNetworkInd(String value) {
        this.thirdPartyNetworkInd = value;

     * Gets the value of the pseNm property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getPSENm() {
        return pseNm;

     * Sets the value of the pseNm property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setPSENm(String value) {
        this.pseNm = value;

     * Gets the value of the psePhoneNum property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getPSEPhoneNum() {
        return psePhoneNum;

     * Sets the value of the psePhoneNum property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setPSEPhoneNum(String value) {
        this.psePhoneNum = value;

     * Gets the value of the secondTINNoticeInd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getSecondTINNoticeInd() {
        return secondTINNoticeInd;

     * Sets the value of the secondTINNoticeInd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setSecondTINNoticeInd(String value) {
        this.secondTINNoticeInd = value;

     * Gets the value of the grossAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getGrossAmt() {
        return grossAmt;

     * Sets the value of the grossAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setGrossAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.grossAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the cardNotPresentTransAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getCardNotPresentTransAmt() {
        return cardNotPresentTransAmt;

     * Sets the value of the cardNotPresentTransAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setCardNotPresentTransAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.cardNotPresentTransAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the merchantCategoryCd property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getMerchantCategoryCd() {
        return merchantCategoryCd;

     * Sets the value of the merchantCategoryCd property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setMerchantCategoryCd(String value) {
        this.merchantCategoryCd = value;

     * Gets the value of the paymentTransactionCnt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getPaymentTransactionCnt() {
        return paymentTransactionCnt;

     * Sets the value of the paymentTransactionCnt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setPaymentTransactionCnt(BigInteger value) {
        this.paymentTransactionCnt = value;

     * Gets the value of the federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt() {
        return federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt;

     * Sets the value of the federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the januaryAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getJanuaryAmt() {
        return januaryAmt;

     * Sets the value of the januaryAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setJanuaryAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.januaryAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the februaryAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getFebruaryAmt() {
        return februaryAmt;

     * Sets the value of the februaryAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setFebruaryAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.februaryAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the marchAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getMarchAmt() {
        return marchAmt;

     * Sets the value of the marchAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setMarchAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.marchAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the aprilAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getAprilAmt() {
        return aprilAmt;

     * Sets the value of the aprilAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setAprilAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.aprilAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the mayAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getMayAmt() {
        return mayAmt;

     * Sets the value of the mayAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setMayAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.mayAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the juneAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getJuneAmt() {
        return juneAmt;

     * Sets the value of the juneAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setJuneAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.juneAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the julyAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getJulyAmt() {
        return julyAmt;

     * Sets the value of the julyAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setJulyAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.julyAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the augustAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getAugustAmt() {
        return augustAmt;

     * Sets the value of the augustAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setAugustAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.augustAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the septemberAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getSeptemberAmt() {
        return septemberAmt;

     * Sets the value of the septemberAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setSeptemberAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.septemberAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the octoberAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getOctoberAmt() {
        return octoberAmt;

     * Sets the value of the octoberAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setOctoberAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.octoberAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the novemberAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getNovemberAmt() {
        return novemberAmt;

     * Sets the value of the novemberAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setNovemberAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.novemberAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the decemberAmt property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getDecemberAmt() {
        return decemberAmt;

     * Sets the value of the decemberAmt property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link BigInteger }
    public void setDecemberAmt(BigInteger value) {
        this.decemberAmt = value;

     * Gets the value of the stateLocalTaxGrp property.
     * <p>
     * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
     * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
     * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
     * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the stateLocalTaxGrp property.
     * <p>
     * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
     * <pre>
     *    getStateLocalTaxGrp().add(newItem);
     * </pre>
     * <p>
     * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
     * {@link StateLocalTaxGrpType }
    public List<StateLocalTaxGrpType> getStateLocalTaxGrp() {
        if (stateLocalTaxGrp == null) {
            stateLocalTaxGrp = new ArrayList<StateLocalTaxGrpType>();
        return this.stateLocalTaxGrp;

    public String toString() {
        final ToStringStrategy2 strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE;
        final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        append(null, buffer, strategy);
        return buffer.toString();

    public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) {
        strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer);
        appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy);
        strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer);
        return buffer;

    public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) {
            String theTaxYr;
            theTaxYr = this.getTaxYr();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "taxYr", buffer, theTaxYr, (this.taxYr!= null));
            String theRecordId;
            theRecordId = this.getRecordId();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "recordId", buffer, theRecordId, (this.recordId!= null));
            String theIssuerOfficeCd;
            theIssuerOfficeCd = this.getIssuerOfficeCd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "issuerOfficeCd", buffer, theIssuerOfficeCd, (this.issuerOfficeCd!= null));
            List<StateType> theCFSFElectionStateCd;
            theCFSFElectionStateCd = (((this.cfsfElectionStateCd!= null)&&(!this.cfsfElectionStateCd.isEmpty()))?this.getCFSFElectionStateCd():null);
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "cfsfElectionStateCd", buffer, theCFSFElectionStateCd, ((this.cfsfElectionStateCd!= null)&&(!this.cfsfElectionStateCd.isEmpty())));
            String theVoidInd;
            theVoidInd = this.getVoidInd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "voidInd", buffer, theVoidInd, (this.voidInd!= null));
            String theCorrectedInd;
            theCorrectedInd = this.getCorrectedInd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "correctedInd", buffer, theCorrectedInd, (this.correctedInd!= null));
            PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType thePrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp;
            thePrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp = this.getPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp", buffer, thePrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp, (this.prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp!= null));
            RecipientDetailType theRecipientDetail;
            theRecipientDetail = this.getRecipientDetail();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "recipientDetail", buffer, theRecipientDetail, (this.recipientDetail!= null));
            String thePSEInd;
            thePSEInd = this.getPSEInd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "pseInd", buffer, thePSEInd, (this.pseInd!= null));
            String theEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd;
            theEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd = this.getEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd", buffer, theEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd, (this.epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd!= null));
            String thePaymentCardInd;
            thePaymentCardInd = this.getPaymentCardInd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "paymentCardInd", buffer, thePaymentCardInd, (this.paymentCardInd!= null));
            String theThirdPartyNetworkInd;
            theThirdPartyNetworkInd = this.getThirdPartyNetworkInd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "thirdPartyNetworkInd", buffer, theThirdPartyNetworkInd, (this.thirdPartyNetworkInd!= null));
            String thePSENm;
            thePSENm = this.getPSENm();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "pseNm", buffer, thePSENm, (this.pseNm!= null));
            String thePSEPhoneNum;
            thePSEPhoneNum = this.getPSEPhoneNum();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "psePhoneNum", buffer, thePSEPhoneNum, (this.psePhoneNum!= null));
            String theSecondTINNoticeInd;
            theSecondTINNoticeInd = this.getSecondTINNoticeInd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "secondTINNoticeInd", buffer, theSecondTINNoticeInd, (this.secondTINNoticeInd!= null));
            BigInteger theGrossAmt;
            theGrossAmt = this.getGrossAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "grossAmt", buffer, theGrossAmt, (this.grossAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theCardNotPresentTransAmt;
            theCardNotPresentTransAmt = this.getCardNotPresentTransAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "cardNotPresentTransAmt", buffer, theCardNotPresentTransAmt, (this.cardNotPresentTransAmt!= null));
            String theMerchantCategoryCd;
            theMerchantCategoryCd = this.getMerchantCategoryCd();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "merchantCategoryCd", buffer, theMerchantCategoryCd, (this.merchantCategoryCd!= null));
            BigInteger thePaymentTransactionCnt;
            thePaymentTransactionCnt = this.getPaymentTransactionCnt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "paymentTransactionCnt", buffer, thePaymentTransactionCnt, (this.paymentTransactionCnt!= null));
            BigInteger theFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt;
            theFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt = this.getFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt", buffer, theFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt, (this.federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theJanuaryAmt;
            theJanuaryAmt = this.getJanuaryAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "januaryAmt", buffer, theJanuaryAmt, (this.januaryAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theFebruaryAmt;
            theFebruaryAmt = this.getFebruaryAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "februaryAmt", buffer, theFebruaryAmt, (this.februaryAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theMarchAmt;
            theMarchAmt = this.getMarchAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "marchAmt", buffer, theMarchAmt, (this.marchAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theAprilAmt;
            theAprilAmt = this.getAprilAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "aprilAmt", buffer, theAprilAmt, (this.aprilAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theMayAmt;
            theMayAmt = this.getMayAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "mayAmt", buffer, theMayAmt, (this.mayAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theJuneAmt;
            theJuneAmt = this.getJuneAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "juneAmt", buffer, theJuneAmt, (this.juneAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theJulyAmt;
            theJulyAmt = this.getJulyAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "julyAmt", buffer, theJulyAmt, (this.julyAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theAugustAmt;
            theAugustAmt = this.getAugustAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "augustAmt", buffer, theAugustAmt, (this.augustAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theSeptemberAmt;
            theSeptemberAmt = this.getSeptemberAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "septemberAmt", buffer, theSeptemberAmt, (this.septemberAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theOctoberAmt;
            theOctoberAmt = this.getOctoberAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "octoberAmt", buffer, theOctoberAmt, (this.octoberAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theNovemberAmt;
            theNovemberAmt = this.getNovemberAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "novemberAmt", buffer, theNovemberAmt, (this.novemberAmt!= null));
            BigInteger theDecemberAmt;
            theDecemberAmt = this.getDecemberAmt();
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "decemberAmt", buffer, theDecemberAmt, (this.decemberAmt!= null));
            List<StateLocalTaxGrpType> theStateLocalTaxGrp;
            theStateLocalTaxGrp = (((this.stateLocalTaxGrp!= null)&&(!this.stateLocalTaxGrp.isEmpty()))?this.getStateLocalTaxGrp():null);
            strategy.appendField(locator, this, "stateLocalTaxGrp", buffer, theStateLocalTaxGrp, ((this.stateLocalTaxGrp!= null)&&(!this.stateLocalTaxGrp.isEmpty())));
        return buffer;

    public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy2 strategy) {
        if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) {
            return false;
        if (this == object) {
            return true;
        final Form1099KDetailType that = ((Form1099KDetailType) object);
            String lhsTaxYr;
            lhsTaxYr = this.getTaxYr();
            String rhsTaxYr;
            rhsTaxYr = that.getTaxYr();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "taxYr", lhsTaxYr),, "taxYr", rhsTaxYr), lhsTaxYr, rhsTaxYr, (this.taxYr!= null), (that.taxYr!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsRecordId;
            lhsRecordId = this.getRecordId();
            String rhsRecordId;
            rhsRecordId = that.getRecordId();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "recordId", lhsRecordId),, "recordId", rhsRecordId), lhsRecordId, rhsRecordId, (this.recordId!= null), (that.recordId!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsIssuerOfficeCd;
            lhsIssuerOfficeCd = this.getIssuerOfficeCd();
            String rhsIssuerOfficeCd;
            rhsIssuerOfficeCd = that.getIssuerOfficeCd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "issuerOfficeCd", lhsIssuerOfficeCd),, "issuerOfficeCd", rhsIssuerOfficeCd), lhsIssuerOfficeCd, rhsIssuerOfficeCd, (this.issuerOfficeCd!= null), (that.issuerOfficeCd!= null))) {
                return false;
            List<StateType> lhsCFSFElectionStateCd;
            lhsCFSFElectionStateCd = (((this.cfsfElectionStateCd!= null)&&(!this.cfsfElectionStateCd.isEmpty()))?this.getCFSFElectionStateCd():null);
            List<StateType> rhsCFSFElectionStateCd;
            rhsCFSFElectionStateCd = (((that.cfsfElectionStateCd!= null)&&(!that.cfsfElectionStateCd.isEmpty()))?that.getCFSFElectionStateCd():null);
            if (!strategy.equals(, "cfsfElectionStateCd", lhsCFSFElectionStateCd),, "cfsfElectionStateCd", rhsCFSFElectionStateCd), lhsCFSFElectionStateCd, rhsCFSFElectionStateCd, ((this.cfsfElectionStateCd!= null)&&(!this.cfsfElectionStateCd.isEmpty())), ((that.cfsfElectionStateCd!= null)&&(!that.cfsfElectionStateCd.isEmpty())))) {
                return false;
            String lhsVoidInd;
            lhsVoidInd = this.getVoidInd();
            String rhsVoidInd;
            rhsVoidInd = that.getVoidInd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "voidInd", lhsVoidInd),, "voidInd", rhsVoidInd), lhsVoidInd, rhsVoidInd, (this.voidInd!= null), (that.voidInd!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsCorrectedInd;
            lhsCorrectedInd = this.getCorrectedInd();
            String rhsCorrectedInd;
            rhsCorrectedInd = that.getCorrectedInd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "correctedInd", lhsCorrectedInd),, "correctedInd", rhsCorrectedInd), lhsCorrectedInd, rhsCorrectedInd, (this.correctedInd!= null), (that.correctedInd!= null))) {
                return false;
            PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType lhsPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp;
            lhsPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp = this.getPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp();
            PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrpType rhsPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp;
            rhsPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp = that.getPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp", lhsPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp),, "prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp", rhsPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp), lhsPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp, rhsPrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp, (this.prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp!= null), (that.prevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp!= null))) {
                return false;
            RecipientDetailType lhsRecipientDetail;
            lhsRecipientDetail = this.getRecipientDetail();
            RecipientDetailType rhsRecipientDetail;
            rhsRecipientDetail = that.getRecipientDetail();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "recipientDetail", lhsRecipientDetail),, "recipientDetail", rhsRecipientDetail), lhsRecipientDetail, rhsRecipientDetail, (this.recipientDetail!= null), (that.recipientDetail!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsPSEInd;
            lhsPSEInd = this.getPSEInd();
            String rhsPSEInd;
            rhsPSEInd = that.getPSEInd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "pseInd", lhsPSEInd),, "pseInd", rhsPSEInd), lhsPSEInd, rhsPSEInd, (this.pseInd!= null), (that.pseInd!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd;
            lhsEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd = this.getEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd();
            String rhsEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd;
            rhsEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd = that.getEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd", lhsEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd),, "epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd", rhsEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd), lhsEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd, rhsEPFOrOtherThirdPartyInd, (this.epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd!= null), (that.epfOrOtherThirdPartyInd!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsPaymentCardInd;
            lhsPaymentCardInd = this.getPaymentCardInd();
            String rhsPaymentCardInd;
            rhsPaymentCardInd = that.getPaymentCardInd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "paymentCardInd", lhsPaymentCardInd),, "paymentCardInd", rhsPaymentCardInd), lhsPaymentCardInd, rhsPaymentCardInd, (this.paymentCardInd!= null), (that.paymentCardInd!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsThirdPartyNetworkInd;
            lhsThirdPartyNetworkInd = this.getThirdPartyNetworkInd();
            String rhsThirdPartyNetworkInd;
            rhsThirdPartyNetworkInd = that.getThirdPartyNetworkInd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "thirdPartyNetworkInd", lhsThirdPartyNetworkInd),, "thirdPartyNetworkInd", rhsThirdPartyNetworkInd), lhsThirdPartyNetworkInd, rhsThirdPartyNetworkInd, (this.thirdPartyNetworkInd!= null), (that.thirdPartyNetworkInd!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsPSENm;
            lhsPSENm = this.getPSENm();
            String rhsPSENm;
            rhsPSENm = that.getPSENm();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "pseNm", lhsPSENm),, "pseNm", rhsPSENm), lhsPSENm, rhsPSENm, (this.pseNm!= null), (that.pseNm!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsPSEPhoneNum;
            lhsPSEPhoneNum = this.getPSEPhoneNum();
            String rhsPSEPhoneNum;
            rhsPSEPhoneNum = that.getPSEPhoneNum();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "psePhoneNum", lhsPSEPhoneNum),, "psePhoneNum", rhsPSEPhoneNum), lhsPSEPhoneNum, rhsPSEPhoneNum, (this.psePhoneNum!= null), (that.psePhoneNum!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsSecondTINNoticeInd;
            lhsSecondTINNoticeInd = this.getSecondTINNoticeInd();
            String rhsSecondTINNoticeInd;
            rhsSecondTINNoticeInd = that.getSecondTINNoticeInd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "secondTINNoticeInd", lhsSecondTINNoticeInd),, "secondTINNoticeInd", rhsSecondTINNoticeInd), lhsSecondTINNoticeInd, rhsSecondTINNoticeInd, (this.secondTINNoticeInd!= null), (that.secondTINNoticeInd!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsGrossAmt;
            lhsGrossAmt = this.getGrossAmt();
            BigInteger rhsGrossAmt;
            rhsGrossAmt = that.getGrossAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "grossAmt", lhsGrossAmt),, "grossAmt", rhsGrossAmt), lhsGrossAmt, rhsGrossAmt, (this.grossAmt!= null), (that.grossAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsCardNotPresentTransAmt;
            lhsCardNotPresentTransAmt = this.getCardNotPresentTransAmt();
            BigInteger rhsCardNotPresentTransAmt;
            rhsCardNotPresentTransAmt = that.getCardNotPresentTransAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "cardNotPresentTransAmt", lhsCardNotPresentTransAmt),, "cardNotPresentTransAmt", rhsCardNotPresentTransAmt), lhsCardNotPresentTransAmt, rhsCardNotPresentTransAmt, (this.cardNotPresentTransAmt!= null), (that.cardNotPresentTransAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            String lhsMerchantCategoryCd;
            lhsMerchantCategoryCd = this.getMerchantCategoryCd();
            String rhsMerchantCategoryCd;
            rhsMerchantCategoryCd = that.getMerchantCategoryCd();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "merchantCategoryCd", lhsMerchantCategoryCd),, "merchantCategoryCd", rhsMerchantCategoryCd), lhsMerchantCategoryCd, rhsMerchantCategoryCd, (this.merchantCategoryCd!= null), (that.merchantCategoryCd!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsPaymentTransactionCnt;
            lhsPaymentTransactionCnt = this.getPaymentTransactionCnt();
            BigInteger rhsPaymentTransactionCnt;
            rhsPaymentTransactionCnt = that.getPaymentTransactionCnt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "paymentTransactionCnt", lhsPaymentTransactionCnt),, "paymentTransactionCnt", rhsPaymentTransactionCnt), lhsPaymentTransactionCnt, rhsPaymentTransactionCnt, (this.paymentTransactionCnt!= null), (that.paymentTransactionCnt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt;
            lhsFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt = this.getFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt();
            BigInteger rhsFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt;
            rhsFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt = that.getFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt", lhsFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt),, "federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt", rhsFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt), lhsFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt, rhsFederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt, (this.federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt!= null), (that.federalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsJanuaryAmt;
            lhsJanuaryAmt = this.getJanuaryAmt();
            BigInteger rhsJanuaryAmt;
            rhsJanuaryAmt = that.getJanuaryAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "januaryAmt", lhsJanuaryAmt),, "januaryAmt", rhsJanuaryAmt), lhsJanuaryAmt, rhsJanuaryAmt, (this.januaryAmt!= null), (that.januaryAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsFebruaryAmt;
            lhsFebruaryAmt = this.getFebruaryAmt();
            BigInteger rhsFebruaryAmt;
            rhsFebruaryAmt = that.getFebruaryAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "februaryAmt", lhsFebruaryAmt),, "februaryAmt", rhsFebruaryAmt), lhsFebruaryAmt, rhsFebruaryAmt, (this.februaryAmt!= null), (that.februaryAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsMarchAmt;
            lhsMarchAmt = this.getMarchAmt();
            BigInteger rhsMarchAmt;
            rhsMarchAmt = that.getMarchAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "marchAmt", lhsMarchAmt),, "marchAmt", rhsMarchAmt), lhsMarchAmt, rhsMarchAmt, (this.marchAmt!= null), (that.marchAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsAprilAmt;
            lhsAprilAmt = this.getAprilAmt();
            BigInteger rhsAprilAmt;
            rhsAprilAmt = that.getAprilAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "aprilAmt", lhsAprilAmt),, "aprilAmt", rhsAprilAmt), lhsAprilAmt, rhsAprilAmt, (this.aprilAmt!= null), (that.aprilAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsMayAmt;
            lhsMayAmt = this.getMayAmt();
            BigInteger rhsMayAmt;
            rhsMayAmt = that.getMayAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "mayAmt", lhsMayAmt),, "mayAmt", rhsMayAmt), lhsMayAmt, rhsMayAmt, (this.mayAmt!= null), (that.mayAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsJuneAmt;
            lhsJuneAmt = this.getJuneAmt();
            BigInteger rhsJuneAmt;
            rhsJuneAmt = that.getJuneAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "juneAmt", lhsJuneAmt),, "juneAmt", rhsJuneAmt), lhsJuneAmt, rhsJuneAmt, (this.juneAmt!= null), (that.juneAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsJulyAmt;
            lhsJulyAmt = this.getJulyAmt();
            BigInteger rhsJulyAmt;
            rhsJulyAmt = that.getJulyAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "julyAmt", lhsJulyAmt),, "julyAmt", rhsJulyAmt), lhsJulyAmt, rhsJulyAmt, (this.julyAmt!= null), (that.julyAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsAugustAmt;
            lhsAugustAmt = this.getAugustAmt();
            BigInteger rhsAugustAmt;
            rhsAugustAmt = that.getAugustAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "augustAmt", lhsAugustAmt),, "augustAmt", rhsAugustAmt), lhsAugustAmt, rhsAugustAmt, (this.augustAmt!= null), (that.augustAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsSeptemberAmt;
            lhsSeptemberAmt = this.getSeptemberAmt();
            BigInteger rhsSeptemberAmt;
            rhsSeptemberAmt = that.getSeptemberAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "septemberAmt", lhsSeptemberAmt),, "septemberAmt", rhsSeptemberAmt), lhsSeptemberAmt, rhsSeptemberAmt, (this.septemberAmt!= null), (that.septemberAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsOctoberAmt;
            lhsOctoberAmt = this.getOctoberAmt();
            BigInteger rhsOctoberAmt;
            rhsOctoberAmt = that.getOctoberAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "octoberAmt", lhsOctoberAmt),, "octoberAmt", rhsOctoberAmt), lhsOctoberAmt, rhsOctoberAmt, (this.octoberAmt!= null), (that.octoberAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsNovemberAmt;
            lhsNovemberAmt = this.getNovemberAmt();
            BigInteger rhsNovemberAmt;
            rhsNovemberAmt = that.getNovemberAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "novemberAmt", lhsNovemberAmt),, "novemberAmt", rhsNovemberAmt), lhsNovemberAmt, rhsNovemberAmt, (this.novemberAmt!= null), (that.novemberAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            BigInteger lhsDecemberAmt;
            lhsDecemberAmt = this.getDecemberAmt();
            BigInteger rhsDecemberAmt;
            rhsDecemberAmt = that.getDecemberAmt();
            if (!strategy.equals(, "decemberAmt", lhsDecemberAmt),, "decemberAmt", rhsDecemberAmt), lhsDecemberAmt, rhsDecemberAmt, (this.decemberAmt!= null), (that.decemberAmt!= null))) {
                return false;
            List<StateLocalTaxGrpType> lhsStateLocalTaxGrp;
            lhsStateLocalTaxGrp = (((this.stateLocalTaxGrp!= null)&&(!this.stateLocalTaxGrp.isEmpty()))?this.getStateLocalTaxGrp():null);
            List<StateLocalTaxGrpType> rhsStateLocalTaxGrp;
            rhsStateLocalTaxGrp = (((that.stateLocalTaxGrp!= null)&&(!that.stateLocalTaxGrp.isEmpty()))?that.getStateLocalTaxGrp():null);
            if (!strategy.equals(, "stateLocalTaxGrp", lhsStateLocalTaxGrp),, "stateLocalTaxGrp", rhsStateLocalTaxGrp), lhsStateLocalTaxGrp, rhsStateLocalTaxGrp, ((this.stateLocalTaxGrp!= null)&&(!this.stateLocalTaxGrp.isEmpty())), ((that.stateLocalTaxGrp!= null)&&(!that.stateLocalTaxGrp.isEmpty())))) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public boolean equals(Object object) {
        final EqualsStrategy2 strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE;
        return equals(null, null, object, strategy);


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