/tax-forms GET

SummarySearch tax forms
DescriptionGet the full lists of tax document data and tax form images available for a specific year for the current authorized customer
Operation IdsearchForTaxForms

Request Parameters

Parameter Required? Location Type Description
taxYears optional query Array of integer One or more tax years in which to search for tax forms. Comma separated. Deprecated in favor of single taxYear parameter, will be removed in FDX v6.0
accountId optional query string Account Identifier for use in searching or authorization. Optional
taxYear optional query integer Tax year in which to search for tax forms. Optional
taxForms optional query Array of TaxFormType One or more tax form type enums for the specific documents being requested. Comma separated
offset optional query string Opaque cursor used by the provider to send the next set of records
limit optional query integer Number of elements that the consumer wishes to receive. Providers should implement reasonable default and maximum values
contentTypes optional query Array of ContentTypes One or more content-types to request from the search. Use 'application/json' to request data, image content types to request images. Comma separated
resultType optional query ResultType Flag to indicate if you want a lightweight array of metadata (AccountDescriptor or Tax or Operations) or full item details (Account or a Tax subclass or Availability details). If set to 'lightweight', should only return the fields associated with the metadata entity. This field is not required, defaults to lightweight


Response Code Response Type Description
200application/json of TaxDataListArray of metadata for all the tax document data and tax form images available for the customer matching search criteria
206application/json of TaxDataListPartial Content success searching for customer Tax Data forms, some errors are being returned

Example Request

GET /fdx/v4/tax-forms HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJKb2UifQ._5NS3G0BP7TvjyhB30RS4iEGDQ7oVMU7ArLzU5mKz_Q
User-Agent: Jersey/2.29 (HttpUrlConnection 1.8.0_252)
Host: api.taxdocserver.com
Connection: keep-alive

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-Cloud-Trace-Context: 1da8c939d3a8f347da5adb1c08649471;o=1
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 04:29:38 GMT
Server: Google Frontend
Content-Length: 1326
Connection: keep-alive

  "forms" : [ {
    "tax1099Div" : {
      "taxYear" : 2020,
      "payerNameAddress" : {
        "line1" : "12020 Sunrise Valley Dr",
        "line2" : "Suite 230",
        "city" : "Prescott",
        "state" : "VA",
        "postalCode" : "20191",
        "country" : "US",
        "name1" : "Tax Doc Issuer",
        "phone" : {
          "number" : "8885551212"
      "payerTin" : "12-3456789",
      "recipientTin" : "xxx-xx-1234",
      "recipientNameAddress" : {
        "line1" : "1 Main St",
        "city" : "Melrose",
        "state" : "NY",
        "postalCode" : "12121",
        "country" : "US",
        "name1" : "Kris Q Public"
      "foreignAccountTaxCompliance" : false,
      "accountNumber" : "111-5555555",
      "ordinaryDividends" : 1107.0,
      "qualifiedDividends" : 1208.0,
      "totalCapitalGain" : 2109.0,
      "unrecaptured1250Gain" : 2210.0,
      "section1202Gain" : 2311.0,
      "collectiblesGain" : 2412.0,
      "nonTaxableDistribution" : 3013.0,
      "federalTaxWithheld" : 4014.0,
      "section199ADividends" : 5015.0,
      "investmentExpenses" : 6016.0,
      "foreignTaxPaid" : 7017.0,
      "foreignCountry" : "Mexico",
      "cashLiquidation" : 9019.0,
      "nonCashLiquidation" : 10020.0,
      "taxExemptInterestDividend" : 11021.0,
      "specifiedPabInterestDividend" : 12022.0,
      "stateTaxWithholding" : [ {
        "stateTaxWithheld" : 15023.0,
        "state" : "NY",
        "stateTaxId" : "14-000023"
      } ]
  } ]

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