
FDX / Data Structures / Tax1099ConsolidatedStatement
Form 1099 Consolidated Statement, Various tax-related items reported on consolidated brokerage or mutual fund statements not on the base 1099 forms. The component 1099 forms are delivered as their own Tax1099Xxx entities as usual
Extends and inherits all fields from Tax  
Tax1099ConsolidatedStatement Properties
1marginInterestPaidnumber (double)Interest paid on margin account
2paymentInLieuPaidnumber (double)Payment in lieu of dividends paid
3advisorFeesPaidnumber (double)Advisor fees paid
4otherFeesPaidnumber (double)Other fees paid
5corporateBondInterestPaidnumber (double)Accrued Interest Paid offset to form 1099-INT box 1, Corporate bond interest income
6usBondInterestPaidnumber (double)Accrued Interest Paid offset to form 1099-INT box 3, accrued U.S. Treasury Notes and Bonds interest income
7taxExemptInterestPaidnumber (double)Accrued Interest Paid offset to form 1099-INT box 8, tax exempt interest income from municipal bonds
8specifiedPabInterestPaidnumber (double)Accrued Interest Paid offset to form 1099-INT box 9, tax exempt interest income from Private Activity Bonds
Tax1099ConsolidatedStatement Usage:

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