
FDX / Data Structures / ConsentGrant
Consent Grant entity, Record of user consent
ConsentGrant Properties
1idIdentifierThe persistent identifier of the consent
2statusConsentGrantStatusThe current status of the consent
3partiesArray of ConsentGrantPartyThe non-end user parties participating in the Consent Grant
4createdTimeTimestampWhen the consent was initially granted
5expirationTimeTimestampWhen the consent grant will become expired
6durationTypeConsentDurationTypeThe type of duration of the consent
7durationPeriodConsentDurationPeriodThe consent duration in days from day of original grant
8lookbackPeriodLookbackPeriodPeriod, in days, for which historical data may be requested; measured from request time, not grant time
9resourcesArray of ConsentGrantResourceThe permissioned resource entities

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