# | Id | Type | Description |
1 | id | Identifier | The persistent identifier of the consent |
2 | status | ConsentGrantStatus | The current status of the consent |
3 | parties | Array of ConsentGrantParty | The non-end user parties participating in the Consent Grant |
4 | createdTime | Timestamp | When the consent was initially granted |
5 | expirationTime | Timestamp | When the consent grant will become expired |
6 | durationType | ConsentDurationType | The type of duration of the consent |
7 | durationPeriod | ConsentDurationPeriod | The consent duration in days from day of original grant |
8 | lookbackPeriod | LookbackPeriod | Period, in days, for which historical data may be requested; measured from request time, not grant time |
9 | resources | Array of ConsentGrantResource | The permissioned resource entities |